
How can i stop being superficial???

by  |  earlier

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or how can i stop being so insecure?

is there a way? or do i just have to get older?

can you please help me?




  1. the fact that you are asking these questions is a good sign.  At least you are acknowledging the problem. well done!

    have some self confidence. you don't need expensive brand names or biceps etc to prove anything to anyone.

    some people grow out of this phase. others tend to stay there and love brand names and showing off.  other people can think of better things to do with their money/time.

    good luck

  2. Don't judge people on their looks or possesions

  3. This is going to sound weird at first, but if you try it for awhile and it doesn't work, get back to me and we'll work on something else. There is scientific support for what I am about to tell you.

    Get out of the house and do something good for somebody. Do it without expectation of reward, recognition or reciprocity. Find an area of interest to you and help out. Pitch in at the recycling center, give them a hand at the animal shelter, volunteer at a soup kitchen, find the agency that will enable you to read to  a blind person, look for a group that is teaching adults to read.

    The benefits to you will be be: You will feel better about yourself, you will be more confident, your parents will respect you more, your friends will raise their opinion of you, it will help you when you are apply for a job, and it may make a difference when you apply for college. all that for a couple hours a week when you would have been sitting at the computer feeling sorry for yourself.

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