
How can i stop caring about and living by other people's standards?

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i want to start living my life by my own standards and ways. Usually whenever i have an opinion or make a decision, i always freak out about what other people might think or say about that- in various aspects of life. Whether it be lifestyle, s*x, school, partying, work.. i always worry about the opinion of others. Not just what friend's might think, but also parents, relatives and older people. I'm only 22, and I'm pretty open minded and cool with a lot of things some people are not, but I always feel I have to put up a show in front of others, especially older people and parents. What is wrong with liking to party and drinking sometimes? Why do people judge me for being out late? Why can't I be bluntly myself in front of parents and have to act like a 13 year old angel?

How can I learn to just ignore them and be more true to myself? How can I create my own standard of things without worrying about other people's views and standards?

thanks for your answers!!




  1. You don't need to adhere to other peoples judgements of you, I sometimes do the same thing, but I've just learned to not care. I just kind of focus on trying to be apathetic about stuff like that. Never stop being a kind person, but don't surpress yourself, and ignore the narrow-minded opinions of others. Everybody has an opinion and is going to get offended at whatever you do, so why bother trying to live up to their expectations? Live up to your own expectations, dreams, and aspirations, no one elses. I hope I was helpful =D

  2. You came into this world and are going out of this world ALONE. You better be able to handle it while you are here. You adult you. (WHEN you pay your own full shot (R&B etc etc)  Do as you please and do not hurt others physically while doing   Approving parents your problem.  Leaders march to their own drummer, Followers worry about what others think say act and need their approval for the next breath. Plan what you wish to do , it is you life journey.Plan it well

    Bon Voyage

  3. i completley understand you. And actually i would love to know how you do it.. im the black sheep of my family and honestly i could give a flying cucumber!

    i think the best way to start... is, if you express your opinion or beliefs and someone wants to make you change it or frowns upon you.

    just flip em` give em the birdie ahhahahha.. no seriously... lets see how  their face falls off..

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