
How can i stop cracking my knuckles?

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i really dont want to crack them anymore but its a habit i dont realize. any ways to stop it?




  1. ha that's like trying to go back to being a virgin.. impossible :)

  2. Have some1 slap u evrytime u pop them i do that to my friend and shes stopped a lot

  3. i do that a lot. i just forget about it. when i hear others do it i just happen to do it. my fingers crack every time i bend them anyway. what i do is constantly daydream about something, it takes my mind off everything. i dream of future husbands and houses and children and go off into a fairytale land where i'm dating some hot guy and i'm rich and famous. but yes anyway back to the knuckles, see i was craving to click them when i was writing about them, but then when i went into dream mode i completely forgot. pah i'm rambling. but that's how i limited it down to about five times a day. :P

  4. You cant. Youve become addicted (like myself) and, as lots of people know, its hard to break addictions.

  5. By doing handstands or some exercise that requires pressure on the hands, then you won't be able to crack your knuckles because they will already be 'cracked' ^-^

  6. Remind yourself how the socket of your finger bones will grow thicker. You'll no longer own decent fingers if you keep on crack your knuckles..

    Dicipline yourself about this habit..

  7. good luck-i have the same problem, i started and now i cant stop

  8. Hi I Know a way to stop,go to a orthopaedic section of a hospital,and hang around until you see someone with severe arthritis in their knuckles and hands,their knuckles can be swollen like golf balls,and they can hardly move their fingers.The point of this is when you do this you are unnaturally stressing the joint,Nothing you would ever naturally do would cause your joints to crack like this,and if your young this is even worse as your joints etc are still developing,and could end up deformed internally.Later in life you could pay for this with arthritis more likely to set into to joints that have been given a hard time.TO ALL of you who do this PLEASE STOP!!

  9. just stop doing it and if u do slap urself

  10. Yeah i had the same habit as well,

    the only reason i don't anymore is because my fingers fell off.

  11. Well, Habits are habits. I dont know, go to a psychologists...

  12. I have that habit, too.

    Then my bro said that it causes you to have a disease or something, that weakens your knuckle bones. I think it's called Arthritis, so each time i'm about to crack my knuckles, i stop because i'm afraid to get it when i'm older.

  13. i crack my knuckles too! u could bite ur knuckle everytime u try to crack ur knuckles. my friend did that and it worked.

  14. cut ur fingers off

  15. Just remember that when your older it will hurt like heck! That should help you! And put an elestic band around your wrist so when ever you do that you could snap the elastic band! Hope this helps :)!

  16. its not bad to, it just releases air trapped between your bones, but once you are used to it there's just about no stopping it =/

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