
How can i stop getting distracted from my work?

by  |  earlier

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Im going into yr 11 and will be sitting GCSEs but when i sit down to start my work i always get distracted, for example i worked for about 5 mins the next thing you know i was on facebook!




  1. Discipline my friend.  If you are planning on going to college discipline will be more important than even book smarts.

    Turn off the computer, cover it with a towel if you have to or unplug it and put it in the closet.  Do all your work and do not open it until your work is done and done well.

    Bite the bullet!

  2. It helps if you have short goals (concept, a chapter, # of problems, etc.).  Take a pre-determined short break after reaching your goal (like 15 minute break).  Then, go for the next goal, and so on.

    It helps to break up the monotony.  The hardest part is getting started.  You just need to make a plan and STICK TO IT.

    Good luck!

  3. The longer your attention span...the more intelligent you are.

  4. well i think that distraction just shows that you aren't committed to your wants. if you really wanted to study and get your work done, you'd put aside facebook and get into your books, kiddo! block the websites (like a previous person mentioned). turn off televisions, music, etc. go to a library or even stay on campus and study.  

  5. Get in the zone.  If it helps, you should revise at a library or somewhere you have no distractions.  

  6. HAHA, this is me, okay i'll tell you what to do, listen to some music that motivates u , and just concentrateeeeeeee

  7. maybe u could temperarily block the site

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