
How can i stop missing my family in vietnam?

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How can i stop missing my family in vietnam?




  1. go over and visit them if you cant do that occupy yourself withother things like sport

  2. either make new friends here and do something that occupies ur time. or get some ways to contact them. calling cards should be about 20 dollars for 1000 mins. voip phone from   for a monthly charge of like..30 bucks?, instant message, or skype phone online with another computer is free too.

      hope it helps

  3. Do You Yahhoooooo???

    Messenger and Webcam and Voice chat


  4. All the above answers are good and they are what we do.

  5. 1. Work your butt off and save $$$$$ and go back visit them...

    2.  call them - you can talk for hours from a $10 phone card

    3.  email them/webcam

    4.  move back there

  6. Be strong. Most of people have the same your feeling when they leave their love ones. Time will heal up everything. You are always having chance to visit them later.

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