
How can i stop missing someone?

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My cousin that i was really close with and was like a best mate to me moved in with her bf who really isn't nice (smokes weed,thinks he owns her) and whenever he says jump she says how high?! not really a good relationship and is going to get her nowhere. and not only that she has completely forgotten me and our memories! i have tried ringing and texting but gets me nowhere and i cant just forget her! how can i make this easier for myself and stop missing her soooo much?




  1. theres really no way to do it i know wat ur going through and it hurts just keep reliving the memories

  2. i think you need to talk to your aunt or who ever is the adult and just

    ask if you can talk to them and if that does not work i am not sure i think they just got with the wrong crowd  wrong person and its just a phase they might realize  there with the wrong people

  3. Stop missing her by finding her..

    Work it out.

  4. You can't force yourself to forget her, You can try other things, new hobbies etc. but they are only a temporary distraction. If you start painting you can't paint all day. So, there will be times when you are alone, when you will think about her and you will be sad.

    It is only over time, and that can be a long time, that the memories will not be so vivid.

    Ironically, because you say she has forgotten you and she doesn't answer the phone or your texts will in a way help you. Was she really a good and loyal friend. Is she really a friend that you would want back after the way she has treated you?

    Give it time, that's all you can do. Best Wishes

  5. I dont think its human to stop missing your cousin/sister, its a shame that she's been roped into a tough relationship like the one she's in and she cant see for herself that it is no good and not healthy. Theres probably no point in even telling her your views as it will just cause more tention between the two of you, but what I would advise to do is to just let her know that your always there for her, maybe leave her a txt message now and then or even write to her or somthing.

    Just letting her know that you've not forgotten about her, then she will remeber how close the two of you were and realise she needs you still. It may take time but just stick in there, I dont think you should give up on her after all she is family..

    All the best

    Daisy x

  6. Get involved in some activity that'll take your mind off things. Try something healthy, like sports or volunteering.  

  7. i was also in a similar situation, me and my cousin were close and when he got married and went off i felt abit lonely. i thought i will never get over it, but actually i did, you just need time and someone new

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