
How can i stop my 3 year old from sucking her hair?

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she has this really bad habit. has anyone else been thru this? any tips?




  1. You can either put her hair in ponytails or cut it into a bob.

  2. i used to do that when i was little and what stopped me from doing it was a 16 year old girl in our town died from a huge hairball in her stomach. gross, turned me right off of it.

  3. My daughter is a finger sucker!! She's almost 8,and I tried everything and she still does it. I think maybe you could cut her hair short,so she can't put it into her mouth. Maybe during that time she will lose the bad habit. Her hair will grow back.

  4. Put something on it that tastes bad but doesn't damage her hair, like pepper or something...

    Good luck and God Bless!!!

  5. tape a sock around his/her hand.

  6. I had this same problem when i was a toddler. When i hit kindergarten my mother started putting my hair up in ponytails. eventually i started pulling the pony tails out and sucking on my hair eventually it got so bad that in the middle of my kindergarten year my mom cut my hair off to a really short bob so i couldnt reach my hair with my mouth. She kept it short for around 6 months or so and then let it all grow back out and i never put it in my mouth again.

  7. dip her hair in jalapeno sauce.

  8. It's most likely just a habit. If you don't want the hair in her mouth, make it impossible to get it into her mouth, either with a stylish short cut or pull it back. If she needs to have something in her mouth for some reason, she's going to find a substitute for sucking her hair. Be ready for that as well. Constant reminders are a second choice, but probably will drive you both crazy.

  9. she is using this as her soothing mechanism. she needs to find something else that sooths her. When she sucks her hair is she tired or upset? maybe when she starts you could rock her or sing to her or play soothing music. Get her a teddy bear she loves or a special blankie. If she just likes to suck give her popsicles or teething rings. Let her help you make some frozen juice pops or even frozen bananas. I probably would cut her hair or keep it put up but she will probably pick up another habit. Did she used to suck a paci? My daughter's Dr said not to take their paci before they are ready because they will pick up another habit.

  10. put her hair into a ponytail so that it's away from her face

  11. I would pull her hair up into a ponytail so that she cannot reach it.

  12. bald

  13. wheni was little i always sucked on my hair i just put my hair up in a pony or cut it short enough so she can't suck on it

  14. 1. I did this when I was little.My mom braided my hair and

    fastened it at the top of my head.


    2. When you catch her , show her the scissors...and say"Ok ...I'm going to cut that hair 1...get it out of your mouth...2...".


    3. Get it cut.


    4. She will grow out of it...


    5.Get her some fruit pop sickles..."Which one do you want? Your hair?OR your pop sickle?


    Get her something fun or nutritional..have it where she  can help herself if she gets the urge to do this. The minute she does it...say"name:______Stop that...go get your fruit" (or whatever replacement)


    It is like a smoker who is trying to quit smoking..they reach for lifesavers etc...

  15. i used to do this when i was little. It was more of an anxiety thing, Or just being nervous for me. My mother gave me a worry stone to put in my pocket and to rub it when i felt nervous or embarrassed. If you think it's an anxiety thing with your 3 yr old, you can try that. It worked for me when i was little. Hope this helps!!

  16. Pageboy cut, had one when i was little

  17. Put some hairspray in her hair.

  18. you might want to put a little bit of rubbing alchohal on the ends of her hair. so that whenever she sucks on it she will feel really sick. also, i think it's kinda funny, because i see kids around my college do that! XD

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