
How can i stop my bad procrastinating habit with homework?

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How can i stop my bad procrastinating habit with homework?




  1. Start it right away and allow yourself little breaks so you don't get overwhelmed.  Just make sure that they are timed and you get back to it.  In the long run, it will be worth all the time you put into your homework and you'll be thanking yourself later on.  Also start with the biggest project or the subject you like the least.  That way by the end of the evening, the hard stuff is behind you and the small easier stuff won't take as long.

  2. Go to a library, maybe with a friend. Be sure you pick a friend that is focused. Don't get online unless you need to look up information, better to use the books instead. That way you will not be as tempted to get on myspace or check mail and message friends, etc. Don't work where there is a tv, cos you'll just end up watching that instead.

    Overall, my advice:

    Get a study group&go to the library, bring snacks so you can take a break. :)

  3. Focus, you hurt no one but yourself!

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