
How can i stop my more dominant male guinea pig from humping my other male?

by  |  earlier

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its becoming a real problem because he cant eat or drink...he cant even leave his little house without the other one chasing and mounting him and he squeaks so loud like a scream or a dog whimper. can anybody help me????




  1. You can't really stop it but make sure the cage is big enough and the other one can get away if needed.

  2. are you 100% positive that you have two males.....

    hmmm.....what else.....

    you may have to get the poor little guy his own home so he isn't getting....."attacked from behind".....all the time....

    poor thing....

    i think the guinea pig screaming isn't a nise they make when they are happy.....

    well that is my guess.....get a second cage......depsite what their gender is one is screaming because he isn't happy....

    man....if someone did that to me everytime i left my room i would scream too.....poor little fella.

    take care :)

  3. give hi a seperate cage and lrt them be together for a little while in the day so they still have a bit of company

  4. get the dominant one neutered,or get them two cages,but thats about all you can do,Id go with neutering first to see of that helps cause they like to be in groups...but if you neuter make sure that you have a vet that is good with g-pigs,I don't know if it is a new procedure or not so yea....

  5. Move the dominant male to another enclosue away from your other guinea pig. If in doubt you could always do some sort of scientific experiment on the offending guinea pig.

  6. u should get another cage.

  7. First off, neutering your male will make absolutely no difference.  Neutering does not change behaviour in guinea pigs, it just makes them unable to reproduce.

    I'm assuming you have a small pet store cage so I'll explain what I would do from there.  If your submissive guy is being harassed to the point where it is a danger to his health you can try separating temporarily.  That way your little guy won't be bothered.

    Then, you build them a nice big cage.  Pet store cages are tiny and don't offer enough room for one guinea pig, let alone two!  A C&C cage provides tons of room, is cheap, and incredibly easy to clean.

    Once you have a huge cage you can try introducing the boys again.  You'll want to start out on neutral territory and let them investigate each other.  Some humping, rumble strutting, chasing and nipping is normal.  Don't separate unless you see blood.  Once they get to the point where they are comfortable on neutral territory you can try them in the large cage together.  Make sure that you have at least two of everything like houses, hay racks, and food dishes.

    Great info on introductions:

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