
How can i stop my poker addicton?

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ok i dunno how to start

im 21 and have a problem

it all started when me and a friend went to a pub for a game of poker which was only ment to be a 1 off i said i wouldnt play for anymore money but then a started playing online i lost over £600 in less than 3 weeks and its been going on and on and on

but there doesnt seem to be any help

the 1st thing i think bout when pay day comes is putting money online and playing

so far i have bout 7 accounts with diffrent games





and a few others

i really want to get help but somehow i dont think it will work because im so addicted/used to gettin paid and playing online

is there any 1 who nos where i can get help




  1. You need help and I would suggest you don't try to fix this problem alone.

    Take a look at the 'addiction advice' resources here:

    Gamcare and Gamblers Anonymous are both there to help you.

  2. I would say find a new hobby Try one of these1 Amateur Science related

    2 Animal-related

    3 Arts and crafts

    4 Collecting

    5 Computer-related

    6 Food

    7 DIY (Do It Yourself)

    8 Electronics

    9 Film-making

    10 Games (no gambling)

    11 Gardening

    12 Historical reenactment

    13 Interactive fiction

    14 Internet-based hobbies

    15 Literature

    16 Model (scale model) building

    17 Music

    18 Observation

    19 Outdoor/nature activities

    20 Performing arts

    21 Photography

    22 Sports or other physical activities

    23 Toys of some sophistication

    24 Transportation

  3. I know what you are going through.  First thing, uninstall all these online softwares.  Second, find a new hobby to spend your free time.  Third, completly cut off from poker.  No TV, no Book, no cards, beside do not touch anything which is poker related.

    Last, ask yourself whether life is better before you started playing poker or after?  Would you be happier with £600 or without.

    Until you learn some discipline, do not gamble.

  4. I have had a gambling problem in the past.  It was h**l.  In my case I kept trying to stop on my own, but kept going back to it.  It really was an expensive nightmare that took every penny I had.  In the end I knew I needed help to break the cylce, a bit like a smoker who has to get over the first weeks or months.

    I am in London.  I did two things.  Gamblers Anonymous, which to be honest I found pretty primitive, but it didn't matter as it was a place which represented my commitment to stopping.  The greater thing that helped me was counselling with Gamcare (.org, .com, can't remember which), this again was only a place to help keep my commitment going, but was more enlightened that gamblers anonymous.

    The first stage is an absolute clean break from gambling, close all the accounts, stop chasing your losses, forget stopping after the next win.  Make a commitment never to gamble again and go and get support.

  5. You really should take a look at this free e-book! It may be short but it taught me a very important lesson about online poker.

  6. Don't quit cold turkey, that'll just make it harder. Instead, limit yourself to how much money you can lose, and gradually get lower. Make sure you discipline yourself so that when you get to your limit you don't start saying "just one more game and then i'll stop..." etc.

    Another way is to find another addiction, a healthy one ;)

  7. Have you tried blackjack instead?

  8. OK first of all stop panicking  you must enjoy the game as well to keep playing .. i did the same when i started last year lost about the same over 6 weeks  or so . i went to the library read some books and improved my game im now up over £3k in 1year so its not all doom and gloom i would suggest you get your accounts down to only 2. people think if there doing b ad on one site they try another  it don't make any differecne its the same game where ever you play all on line sites run of the same random generater so moving to another site really is no point stick to one and put a limit on your deposit account . and don't break it try to make it last . OK my advice is to play sit  and gos only to build up a stake to get you in a tournament then you are basically free-rolling  keep an eye on the runners most site s say 45 in will only pay top 5 but 51 will pay top 10  keep an eye on this and when you play watch the blind clock waste your 30 seconds if it means the big blind gos up on some body else .... learn to play better and only put in a certain amount each week and if you get a good win cash it out and start again don't play re-buys its a lottery on line for the 1st hour so only play freeze outs ........ OK no good gamble anonymous then......good luck and dont over play  if ya tierd come back tomorrow it will still be there  play when you feel at ya best when you just had a shower

  9. Try

  10. Poker like any gambling can get to be an addiction if you let it.

    The only way to get help is therapy or joining a Gamblers Annonomous Group. They have those on line and in most areas.

    You need to stop now. You are too young to waste money on games of chance. Those that can not control it need to stay away from it.

    The Poker sites online are the Worst. Take it from someone who has played POKER for 25 year.

    When I play in a real Poker Room at the Casinos here I can win fairly regular. When I play online I lose most of the time.

    Although you are playing the same game it is totally different.

    You are playing faster, many more hands per hour than you would ever get to play LIVE.

    This is for the HOUSE the ones who own the online site. They take a rake and the faster you play the more money they make.

    The honest truth is NO ONE online really wins regularly. It is almost impossible. Money is disappearing but it goes to the HOUSE.

    If I play online I play the lowest amount .25/.50. Just for the fun. If I lose more than $5.00 I quit. Sounds funny but I dont like giving my money to the HOUSE.

    When I play in the Casinos I play $3/$6 or $4/$8 and sometimes higher. But it is real not like online. I know I have a chance of winning $100-$200 when I play and over time that adds up.

    No one gets RICH playing Poker. The Pros you see on TV lost lots of money over their careers. They dont really make money at Poker it is the advertisements they get hired for.

    These Pro can pay $10,000 for one tournament. And even more. If they don't win and there is 5,000 entrants they lost their money. Happens all the time.

    Here in Nevada where I live we have a saying for those that can't walk away "the lost their house on the game". And it really happens all the time. In Vegas you see those that hock their car, their home and almost their kids to PLAY and gamble.

    Some go through half a million and now are living on the streets and at the soup kitchen.

    Dont let this be YOU.

    If you can not control it you must quit. If you learn to control it you can do like I do and learn the game inside and out and then play to win.

    And get off those internet sites, they will ROB you blind.

    Good Luck

  11. You will find most online gambling sites allow you to "self exclude" which means you will not be allowed to open another account with that particular establishment.

    Go round all the account you have and tell them you have a problem and wish to self exclude.

    Also contact any other sites you come across and feel you may join and tell them the same ,that you have a problem and wish to be banned from opening an account.

    It will be hard but the urge will go with time.

    Good luck.

  12. cut your hands off ! and get some help mate

  13. You need to contact the sites & ask them to close your accounts. There are like gamblers metings you can attend but they are really well.... godly. Like asking you to find god and such. Try the gambling awareness sites online too for tips on how to quit. Try to just go on the "play money" tables that way your playing for free. Or freerolls.

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