
How can i stop my wife's confusion of who she loves and wants to be with ?

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my wife of near six years has often accused me of cheating. never has the thought of this entered my mind. we were very much in love (so i thought). only to find out that she was the cheater. with a so-called friend. it was the most painful experience ever. my world was shattered. but, my unconditional love for her allowed her back and we worked on our issues. it was great. we believed it to be some of the best times we had...talking, laughing making love. she soon became distant. i mentioned this to her. she said she had to know. she went back to him. back to me. now back to him. what can i do? I'm hurting. i am her husband and i want to help her if she needs help. what scares me is she told me the last thing this other man said to her was "he wants her soul" Please, I need some help.




  1. Look. I love you man but here it comes..... wait for it.... ok here goes >>> SLAP! B****SLAP!

    Dude, dump the w***e! You are now free to divorce her and remarry after. I can tell you are a good guy and good guys deserve a good girl. This girl is loco as in bipolar, mental patient and needs to be on medication and psychiatric sessions. Leave her as soon as you can.

    Get an apartment near a beach - as in walking distance to the water. It's the best place to recover after a divorce. Let your heart heal. Trust me on this. The sooner you start the healing process after separating, the better. And years from now you'll realize it's the best thing you ever did for your life.

  2. She's not worth your time.

  3. Your WIFE left you for ANOTHER man. It would seem as if you enjoy being abused from the outside looking in.

    Get a backbone, hire an attorney, and file for the divorce.  

  4. Run.  Like.  h**l.

    The sooner you rid yourself of the hurt caused by your cheating wife, the sooner you can begin living a normal happy life again.

    If you choose to stay with her, answer this:  will you ever be able to truly trust her again?  If so, you are a better man than me.

    Get out while you have some semblance of sanity left.

  5. Are you a fool?  If she can't make the decision, make it for her and kick her S****y, cheating a.s.s. to the curb!!!

  6. Your only chance is to stop giving her "unconditional love," as you say, and start putting conditions on her. Generally, a man who accepts unacceptable behavior from a woman will lose her respect and then lose HER. Play hardball--legal separation, lawyer, etc. You may still lose her, but at least your self-respect will be intact. You have no other chance.

  7. Start putting some value in yourself and leave her. There a many better women out there. Part of the reason she does what she does to you is because she knows that she can get away with it.  

  8. the other man who "wants her soul" is the devil!

    unless you`re from the heavens and have wings, how can you win?

    or unless you realize you have the balls to visit the divorce attorney`s office?

  9. She is treating you like a fallback option because you are allowing her to do so.  You are also being too available, and making it too easy for her to jump back and fourth.  The best way to deal with a confused person is to make up their mind for them.  So she can't choose between you and him?  Choose for her and say 'it's him!  I'm going to find somebody to love, and who loves me, because I deserve better!'  Reverse psychology works like a charm (though not completely foolproof).  

    If you can show her that you can be happy without her (you will have to fake it till you make it for a while).  That will significantly bolster your confidence, and therefore your attractiveness, not just to her, but to others as well.

    If she really does want you back, make her work for it.  Nobody appreciates things unless they've had to work for them, and a spouse is just the same.

    Best of luck to you

  10. I have a friend that did this same exact thing. She never changed! Her husband finally got sick of it and filed for divorce. Someone who plays with other peoples feelings like this really can't love you. You need to leave her!

  11. Well.

    Figure out why she fell in love with you in the first place. Whatever it is, do it again.

    Reinact your first date for her.

    But honestly.. and I know this hurts to hear.. You may need to think about moving on dear.

    You sound like you deserve better.

  12. Wow, you poor man.....not having a backbone must really sux, huh.

  13. One shot right behind the ear.

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