
How can i stop myself from biting my nails?

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i really hate having short nails and i always bite them.

my mum thinks it's because I'm anxious or nervous but I'm honestly not.

my friend thinks it is something to do with me having OCD

why is it and how can i stop it?




  1. Have acrylics applied.

    By the way, everyonn with OCD is anxious and nervous.

  2. Biting your nails can be a very unhealthy and unsightly bad habit. Not only does it make your hands look unattractive, it’s also a good way to transfer all kinds of nasty germs from your hands to your mouth. I don’t know anyone who loves biting their nails; just about everyone who does it wants to stop, so here are some tips on how to stop biting your nails.

    First, try to replace your bad habit with a healthier one. When you find your hands traveling towards your mouth, stop yourself and pop in a lollipop, or better yet a raw carrot, instead. It will take some serious, conscious effort on your part to replace your bad habit, but you can do it if you really want to. If you don’t even realize you’re chewing on your nails, try wearing a rubber band on your wrist and giving it a little pop every time you find your fingers in your mouth. That will help bring your consciousness to your problem so that you can learn how to stop biting your nails.

    Another thing that might help you learn to stop biting your nails is to make your hands look as pretty as possible so that you don’t want to mess them up. Splurge on a salon manicure so you get some pampering and care lavished on your poor, bitten nails. It only takes about a week or so to start seeing some growth and once you see some progress, you’ll be less likely to want to bite. But remember—in time of stress you’ll be tempted to go back to biting, no matter how pretty your nails so you need to find some other way to relieve your stress, like meditation, journaling, or exercise

  3. Put on some nail polish. Nail polish will give a bad taste in your mouth when you bite into it.

  4. i bite my nails too and my mom tells me the same thing and i can-t stop and it starts to hurt and i promiss myself i wont bite them again but i doo and what-s OCD

  5. I have been a nail biter all my life.  At times, I have grown my nails only start biting them once a couple break and then I'm back to square one.  I know how horrible it is to have short, bitten nails, it looks terrible and I am always so self-conscious.  One of my colleagues whose nails always looked super said to me that nails are like teeth - we talk with our hands just and often use movement to express ourselves.  

    Start by making a conscious decision to yourself as to why you want to stop biting your nails.

    If you need a little help, have false nails put on but be choosy because often the process of applying nails damages your nail bed and once they come off, your nails will break easily.  Perhaps look into a gel overlay.

    My suggestion to you is when you start growing them keep them short to start with.

    Apply lots of cuticle cream and oil - making an effort with your nails and caring for them will make you want to grow them.

    Always keep a nail file handy for when a nail splits and file immediately.  

    Oh, and always keep them painted, even with a clear varnish, this will stop them from breaking.

    Good Luck!

  6. put oven mits on

  7. u can stop, i use to bite my nails all the time in high school. what you can do is paint them and take care of them. what i use is i buy the clear nail polish for strenght and growth from avon, i use it for a week and they grow, the bad thing about it is they grow thin, so for that is i use clear nail polish and it looks wonderful i keep doing them clear and they thick and long. i love it. now that they are long i do them diff. colors, like black, red, beige and clear!!!

    good luck.

  8. theres a nail varnish thing that you can put on and it tastes really bad, so you wont want it in your mouth. this may help. i dont think its anything to do with OCD or anything, its just a habit that some people cant help. (:

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