
How can i stop myself from killing my younger brother?

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Normally im a mild mannered cat, but my younger brother has anger issues, and sometimes, he turns it on me which enrages me to no end.

I usually have a high tolerance point, although i feel im slowly getting closer and closer to losing it.

He has absolutely no respect for authority or no common sense whatsoever, certainly doesnt want to listen to the advice i pu tout there for him.

What should i do




  1. So it's your little brother who has anger issues....and not you.....uh huh.

    Next time you think about killing him, just think about the consequences. It would go beyond just your mom and dad being mad at you. You could spend the rest of your childhood in a prison.

    How much fun would that be?

    If you think your little bro is hard to handle, just think of what it would be like to be locked up in a juvenile facility filled with kids just like him, only worse because some of them will be older, and bigger, and tougher than you.

  2. Just remind yourself if you kill him, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. Not a good idea.

  3. Tell your parents to deal with him.Tell your brother if he decides to take his anger out on you, you will retaliate with brute force and make him wish to GOD he had not made you the object of his violent outbursts.

  4. Thy shall not kill.  That's the first in order here.  Do not kill your brother.

    All these kids are this way.  What's your take on their attitude?  This would be your clue. Then, cut him a wide path and leave him alone.  Have NOTHING to do with him.  Ever who is over your home, make sure they know you have made this decision and you're sticking to it, until he changes.  You sound as if you don't ruffle the seas around there. I believe they'll listen to you. He'll get the silent message better than anything you've done so far.  Try it.

    I'm sure it will be hard, but you work on it a day or two at the time.  See if it works for you.


  5. My little brother has temper issues so maybe I can offer a little advice. The only thing you can do if your starting to feel this way is to either talk to your parents or stay away as much as possible from your younger brother until he realizes that you aren't going to be around him if he keeps on doing what he's doing. My little brother constantly tells everybody, including adults "I hate you" and "La la la I don't care what you say." Just maybe mention something to your parents and if that doesn't help, do what's necessary to both calm your brother and yourself down. Good luck.  

  6. I have a younger sister who is the same way. I found out that if you don't show that they are getting to you they would just stop and find some else to bother. Or ignore them big time that helps too and try to keep yourself busy when he's angry that way he won't bother you  

  7. Are you taking care of your brother?  The only reason why I am asking is because if you are and he has anger problems then maybe he needs to talk to some one.  You can try getting him in therapy.  If you aren't the one taking care of him try ignoring him even though he is being rude.  Or talk to your parents about it they can possibly help you out with the way you feel and help your brother.

  8. I know younger siblings can make us angry, but he is looking for you (believe it or not) as a role model and if you loose your cool with him, he will not forgive you.  When he goes off, keep your distance.  If he becomes violent or tries to push your buttons, talk to your parents to see if they can help keep things in perspective and tone down his anger.  

  9. i have a twin exactly the same and we are both now 21! i ignore him when he has a go at m ne, leave the room when he enters it, say as little as possible so he can't get enraged etc: mayeb get him to talk ot the school counsellor?  

  10. haha I cant believe how many people took your statement "How can i stop myself from killing my younger brother?" seriously.

  11. you can stop yourself from killing him by thinking of all the fun you would have in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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