
How can i stop people laghing because i am a lesbiam?

by  |  earlier

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i go out for dinner with my frineds and they all ways ask me if i want to have s*x? i say yes i would love to and then laugh it is so embarrassing




  1. First of all, ignore all of the religious rubbish about re conversion to a heterosexual persuasion.  If you feel that a L*****n is what you are, you are a L*****n.  If people can't handle that fact, that is their opinion and they are entitled to that, but you need to be comfortable with your ways, and that is the most important factor.  

    As for your friends, do they laugh because they don't know and understand what it is for you to have made this choice in life, therefore making them uncomfortable, or is it just them being ignorant?  I feel that you should find out which one it is.  If it is a case of nervousness through not knowing how to address the issue, then you can sit and talk to them about what it means to be a L*****n.  Some guys think that being a L*****n is a harsh shrug off when they find a woman attractive and laugh because some straight women use that as an excuse to throw men off.  Sit down and talk to your friends, find out what it is that makes them laugh, and if it is just an ignorance problem, find new friends, if it is a genuine feeling of being uncomfortable, address it, make them feel more comfortable, and then you can enjoy having them as friends without you feeling like you are a reason for their laughter.

  2. I wouldn't call them friends at all.

    ***.HOLES  is a better way to describe them.

    yes find other friends... who needs that kind of a friends any way.

  3. well maybe you are not confident enough in your sexuality to convince them that this is what you really are so make sure that they know where you are coming from and be honest and if they keep laughing then dump them and find someone that you can depend on.

  4. well just tell them that if they don't respect ur decision  then they don't have to like you.

  5. I would ask if they are really your friends.True friends would not do it.I been laughed at in school for verious reasons. I'm not L*****n but been laughed at in school for other reasons. You just have to ask yourself if these people are really your friends and can i do better looking for new friends.But i would talk to them first before deciding.

  6. if they are laughing at you then they must not be very good friends. true friends would accept your differences

  7. well, maybe if you spelled L*****n correctly instead of lesbiam..

  8. i know exactly were u stand in this situation.. i am bisexual and i had trouble with this too. But when i decided to say it out loud, my friends accepted me for who i am, because they like me, not my sexual orientation. So if they laugh, maybe they are gealous that you can express yourself with no remorse. If they still laugh after a while or start acting strange, they don't deserve you, because they don't accept you as a person, they look at you only in a sexualy way.

  9. If they are laughing then they are not your true friends, you need a friend who understands, not laughs.

  10. They are so naive and not your good friends. Get rid of them and i can be your friend

  11. ignore them or find new friends

  12. Find new friends the people you call friends are not respectful of you or your choices.

  13. stop being a L*****n

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