
How can i stop saying exactly what i think? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and have an awful habit of saying exactly what I think.

I can't help it as it just comes out without me thinking no matter how hard i try not to.

Its a huge problem when dating boys as it seems to scare them. I'm above average in school and am told guys find this threatening. I'm always putting my foot in it with friends and hurting boys feelings. I hate myself for doing it but don't know how to stop myself.

Has anyone got any tips on preventing it from happening?




  1. I had the same problem when I was your age. What I did was I thought about what I was going to say before I said it. I wouldn't answer so quickly either. It worked for me. But every now and then I tend to speak my mind. That's my M.O now.  ;)

  2. it is a hard thing to control but you can

    before you speak take a few moments and say this in your mind to yourself before speaking out loud to know if its something you should say or not,or if you can say it but differently.

    sometimes it is easy to offend others even if that was not your intention at more tactful you dont have to lie just try not to be cruel when stating either your opinions or the known facts on any thing.good luck!

  3. i know someone went through the same thing

    all you have to do is to breath before you alk for like 3 seconds or somthing and you will get used to it

  4. Nothing wrong with saying things the way they are ,have you ever thought that people don't like to hear the truth , it all stems back to that old saying the truth hurts . I say good on ya!!

  5. seek professional help....oooops.... I have the same problem

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