
How can i stop spam when it originates from different accounts each day?

by  |  earlier

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I receive about 10 emails a day, of pharmacutical nature, and they all come from different people, rather than a single address - how can i stop this as it's driving me mad and clogging up my account. I label each one as spam, but the senders alays change, so it's not possible to stop it this way!!




  1. There has been a huge increase in spam lately.  I have started to use a free programme Mail Washer rated 5 out of 5 by consumeractive magazine. It's worth a try to see if it helps you. It's not perfect but it certainly helps me. Download from

  2. Once spam gets too bad you really are left wtih only one solution: get a new email address (can I politely suggest - the anti-spam is the best).

    Your email address is compromised. Simple as that. Imagine if you had a car, but several people in the neighbourhood had a key. At some point you'd have to buy a new car.

    Get it? Get a new email address...

  3. Don't open them if you recognize them as spam of the same origin.  I think that companies actually keep track of which e-mail recipients are not opening the e-mails they have sent to them.  If enough of them do not get opened, the business might give up on you.  Just delete them.  You can try putting a few of them on Block Sender just in case it works.  

    The approach that works best might vary a bit according to where your account is.  Some of them have detectors that are supposed to recognize spam and immediately put it in a junk mail folder.  Of course you risk having the e-mails that you want to receive accidentally getting put in the same folder, so you would be advised to check it before just deleting the whole folder.

    If worse comes to worst, unfortunately, you might have to change your e-mail account or address.  

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