
How can i stop this habit?

by Guest32124  |  earlier

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i have a horrible habit of snacking on little things when i have nothing else to do. how can i get rid of my habit?

btw ive tried lots of stuff like chewing sugarless gum and stuff but it doesnt work.




  1. Find something productive to do to occupy your time.

  2. Perhaps you need another hobby to replace your snacking hobby.  Perhaps you could try crossword puzzles or brisk walking.  Anything to keep you busy so you won't have time to think about food.  

  3. Forcing your self to be away from them. If you have to, stop buying snacks. Then wear something that reminds you to stay focused on your goal, like a bracelet or rubber band. Leave a sticky note on the cabinet or fridge.

    But ultimately you have to WANT to stop... otherwise you won't. Make the commitment. Also, tell someone you will ask permission to take a snack. They have to approve it. You will not want to ask as often and just hold out. They may allow some at first but soon they will be stopping you... if they are a good friend.

    Just stay motivated and you will be successful. I believe in you...

  4. gum man

  5. Instead of eating 3 larger meals a day eat 5-6 smaller ones. Keep yourself occupied doing something idle time will increase these urges.

  6. Well that happens for most of the times because you don´t have a daily basis on what it comes to food, you eat whenever and whatever you want, to quit that habit, mentally  food as a simple way to satisfy your hunger, make a plan (like a nutritionist "diet"), and eat just following the plan and not your will of snacking little things, and consider eating a pause or just a small break not an activity, because if you put food in your pyramid of needs in nº1 you will always have to taste that new chocolate or that new cookie.

    The secret to stop snacking is putting other things that are more healthy and fun into first place, instead of food, and your brain psychologically will start thinking about those things, and those can be sport, music, reading, or something really relevant that can occupy and give you pleasure and keep you thinking.

    For example if you start reading a book even if you are not reading it at a certain moment you can imagine whatever is going to happen or just wondering about the story, or doing sports, for example playing tennis or doing dance you keep your mind relieved and free of anything else and keeps you focus and entertained.

    Pretty much put the food away mentally, and think about it if it was just something that exists just to take our hungry and think about a million things that you can do when you are bored, there are so many things that we can think and do instead of thinking about food.

  7. i heard it takes about a month to break a habit you should get a lock on the pantry and only let your parents and siblings have the key after a mouth you will be done with it.

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