
How can i stop walking pigeion <span title="toed???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????">toed?????????????????????...</span>

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How can i stop walking pigeion toed?????????????????????...




  1. u just have 2 concentrate walkin wen i concentrate i walk straight and all..but wen i dont feel like contratin and i just dont care...only 1 foot is bowlegged..i only have 1 foot dats bowlegged..tthe other is straight..yea its weird...few days ago i realized its not ur foot thats inside..its ur wen i make my knees to the center/middle and even tho its in the center my foot goes outwards  

  2. I don&#039;t know now that you are older.  You may need to see a physical therapist.  When my nephue was a baby though, he walked pigeon toed and the doctor told my sister to put his shoes on the wrong feet. It seemed to work, he&#039;s 10 now and doesn&#039;t walk pigeon toed anymore.

  3. Practice makes perfect.

  4. Concentrate on your steps keeping your feet straight.  You should straighten out.  

  5. I would start by seeing an osteopathic physician.  They are &quot;normal&quot; fully licensed just like our MD counterparts, but we also look at the body as a complete functional unit.  They specifically focus on the structure of the body and how it relates to function and use corrective treatments called Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM or sometimes called OMT - Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment).  This is a non-invasive pain free therapy that can be used to correct many problems.

    There could be many causes to your pigeon-toed gait.  Some causes aren&#039;t treatable, but others may be and that could be determined by your physician.  

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