
How can i stop wanting to die?

by  |  earlier

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my parents are always looking for the worst and me and taking everything out on me... they make me feel like im causing troubles with the family and its all my fault. and when everythings going perfect and everyones happy they point out my mistakes and ground me once again, and i feel like giving up, i cant go on... and i feel ashamed by my friends because i dont want them to see me behaving like this, im scared... and i dont want it to seem like i always put myself as the victim, its hard... and im just so sick of it, i wanna escape... whats the best way to escape from emotional pain?




  1. you should just ignore your folks and fight back, tell them that its not all you, tell them to chill. my folks are kinda the same way, my mother blames me for everything. we're in a fight now accauly, there were moments when i thought the same way. but i just started to ignore her b.c. i realized that shes crazy, litterly, has somthing wrong with her head. but before i didnt realize that, i took all the anger out on myself. which was a horrible idea. try to find someone to talk to, like a really close friend. someone you really trust. im sure that talkin will make everything better. you have some much to life for, dont let your folks make you think any differently. and besides, you dont have to live with them your whole life, just wait untill you move out.

    i love your name btw, its really funny : ]

  2. nobody is perfect. keep that in mind. when your parents are looking for your flaws just remeber that everyone has their flaws. another thing is to beleive in yourself. dont worry about what other people say about you. the only thing that matters is what you think. if you ever want to talk just click on my avatar thing and my myspace is there or you could email me. i hope i helped.

  3. find the good things in life. s***w you're parents and do your best. ignore your parents because they are just putting you down.

  4. Please do not feel like your alone, your not. You always have friends here. At least You can count on Me. Now let's work out some of these problems. Why do your Parents ground You, What are the reasons? Who do YOU want to live with? Giving Up is not the answer. Getting Up and facing these challenges is more your style. You have to show them all of the good that is in You. Rise Above whatever mistakes they point out,by raising your self above all that nonsense and show them the mistakes they are making. Stand Up for yourself and let them know they can not hurt You anymore. You need to develop a way to ignore any put downs and let the compliments build You up. Talk to your Friends, Let them know you need their support too.Good Luck. Keep your Chin Up and do not let them get to You.

  5. you need to have a sit down with your parents, but you also need to grow up a little.

  6. hmm sounds like my parents..well my mom but run away like goto a family member that u love and they love tell them i want to live with u..u never know!

  7. first of all your parents suck!! you should not listen to hurtful things they say, and tell them that they are killing you inside.  i have been there and know what it feels like when nothing is ever good enough.  its not you, and your parents are twisted. find strength in music and remember that you can do anything as long as you set your mind to it including drownd out hurtful things that others say and do.  good luck!!

  8. try to hang on, because time will take care of this.....right now it seems really hard because you don't have many choices, especially if you are under 18 and depend on your dad for money and a place to live, etc.....we all go thru this, just that some have it harder than others...and any time you have to live by someone else's really sucks......for now all you can do is hang on till you get old enough to bail....just remember that time will pass.

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