
How can i strengthen my sholders for my jump serve?

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I just started my jump serve about 2-3 weeks ago and its awesome but now my sholders are really sore..i'm wondering if there is a way to strengthen my sholders so that they won't be sore and so that i will have a more powerful jump serve. Please Help i have a big tournament coming up!!!




  1. congrats. definately stretch and hydrate. but to stenghthen your muscles, you can do butterflies( lie on your back on a bench with weights in each hand, holding your arms out perpendicular to your body. raise your arms staight up in front of your face, hold and release slowly. make sure to keep tension at all times. you can also reverse it and stand, bend at the waist 90 degrees and arms straight out and the same motion.) another is rowing- works deltiods, traps, biceps and triceps. the butterflies do too but differently and they also focus o your latisimus (back) muscles, which is suprising how much power a stonrg back can have. good luck

  2. first of all, stretching will prepare your muscles for the hard work. and to strengthen your shoulders: you can go to the gym and lift weights (look on the machine to see if it works the shoulder area), swim (GREAT for shoulder strength), or just keep doing your jump serve. after a couple of weeks from now to a month or so, you muscles should build up to the point where you can serve all day long!

    and don't worry... your serve will get more powerful with practice. it isn't just about strength; it's also about control, speed, and timing. make sure your arm goes straight down when you serve (you should almost hit the same side thigh as arm you use to hit) instead of going across your body (but i'm sure if you are jump-serving you already know that from regular overhand). also make sure you don't have a traitorous wrist that goes snappy floppy everywhere!! snap your wrist like a spike but don't be flimsy. good luck!

  3. can you email me and tell me how to do that?

    take a break for a few days i guess. and do cirlce exercises with your arms. it really strengthens sholder  muscles

  4. first, be sure that you do some stretching before you practice jump serving.

    check the internet for complete strtches for the arms and shoulders

    also, you should watch out for hyperextending your arms because it will really hutr and make your arms sore

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