
How can i strengthen my voice?

by Guest33480  |  earlier

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What are good exercises to do to make your voice stronger and be able to reach higher notes and make your voice go even louder




  1. I agree with Lady America. If you don't really know how to sing from the diaphragm, lay on the floor and place like two books on your stomach. When you lay on the floor, you naturally breath from the diaphragm. Practice this over a course of days or weeks and eventually your muscles will remember how to do this.

  2. Your vocal chords aren't really muscles so they can't be strengthened like you would your arms. What you do instead is better coordinated how you body works together to project your voice and make your range as large as it can naturally go. One of the big things is breathing with your diaphragm and not your chest. This is a deeper breath that often uses those stomach muscles to push the air out. Another thing you can do is to experiment with how the sound is coming out. You have two extremes, right in the nose and way back in the throat. You want the sound to feel like its coming out 2/3ths the way to the nose.

    It's difficult to explain in this format, but if take a choir class or voice lessons, they can show you some of the things you can do to get your body more inline, which will greatly improve your voice.  

  3. Try to boil ginger root and drink that everyday. My mom is a singer and I always see her every morning, every day drinking boiled  ginger root and I asked her why are you always drinking that, she said to strengther her voice. and do not smoke that could be ruin your voice if you have a nice voice.

  4. try going to these two good folks they help alot of people and i mean alot of well lets just say alot of singers

    good luck

  5. I studied voice with an excellent voice coach and she had me do a lot of exercise to strengthen my diaphragm. Singing from the diaphragm is the ticket if you want to project loudly. If you have the talent, I suggest you find a voice coach. good luck.

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