
How can i study w/ out being distracted?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes i get side tracked easlily how can i stop




  1. focus || tune everyone and everything else out || concentrate on what you know your going to benefit from and not whats going to distract you :)

  2. turn off the music

    turn off the tv

    concentrate on the task at hand

    maybe studying with another person could help

  3. Focuuuuuuuuusssss! YOu seem like a very good person...young one.

  4. When I used to do my studying, I made sure that I was in a quiet place. Since it was usually pretty chaotic at home, I went to the public library and found a table in the stacks, with no window. We didn't have iPods way back then, but I would never have brought my portable radio or a cassette player with me.

    When studying, there is no internet, no phone, no other interruptions. If you study at home, ask your family to support your study time by not disturbing you. Later in life, when I was doing my graduate degrees, I wore a red baseball cap to signify that I was not to be disturbed. My family learned that I would be taking a break soon and that whatever it was that they needed was usually not really all that important and could wait.

    Good luck to you!

    One last trick is to make sure to schedule a 5 minute break every 40 minutes, just like your classes are structured. Stand up, stretch, grab a healthy snack (small one) and then get right back to work.

    What you have described is a common problem, so don't be shy about asking at school for permission to stay in the library late a couple of afternoons a week.

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