
How can i support my nephew?

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my sister is leaving her son in my care (she states she can not handle it). i have a daughter the same age and also my fiance has his 9 yr old from a different relationship. my sister hasnt mentioned signing over any rights. right now i am looking for work, but we have a one-income home right now. can i get assistance even if she doesnt sign over rights but he lives with me and i take care of him fully? financially i dont think we can support the kids with just one income but i do not want my nephew with his father (he isnt in the pic anyways) or in foster care.




  1. You can get help from the state as long as you qualify and your sister hasn't gone through the state with her son. But be advised that depending on what kind of help you get they may make you open a support order for both parents. Of she signs over her rights the child wont end up in foster care. They aren't itching to put kids there anyway. If there is an elogible family member. And if your sister is leaving her child with you then she should at least offer some kind of financial assistance

  2. If the child is in your care and it is a permanentt  situation then I think you can get help from the Department of welfare,  But if your sister can't handle him and his father isn't in the picture and you do want to raise him she doesn't need to sign him over to your care, you can file for that.  If not he may end up in the foster system.  Pick your battle...raising your nephew and hopefully giving him a better life than your sister or letting him go into the system.

  3. You shouldn't have to take care of no kid that is yours. That is the parents job. I believe in helping out and stuff but I wouldn't raise the kid like a parent should. Tell your sister to get off of her lazy butt and get a job and take care of HER child.

  4. Because the child is not yours you cannot receive aid.  Your sister and the deadbeat dad are primarily the ones who can collect any form of aid for their child.  I would ask your sister to try and sign up for whatever government aid she can find.  Your sister has to file with the state for child support.  Your sister should be buying groceries and providing for HER child.  If she abandoned her child on you I don't see why you can't try and adopt him.  Discuss the option of having your sister give him up to you for adoption.  Will this guarantee you for aid, probably not.  It would be one more dependant to claim when you file taxes.    

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