
How can i survive my last year in middle school in this situation?

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my best friends that i've been with for four years have just recently told me, that they don't want to be my best friend anymore. i didn't do anything, it was entirely out of the blue. any advice from your personal experiences that will help me once school starts? how can i get around them, how should i act near them, making new friends, etc.?





  1. they are probably jealous. just make new friends, and if they want you to be their friend again, say no, they had thei chance.

    answer mine please?;...

  2. happend 2 me aswell, jus ask them why they abandoned u, if was an obscene reason jus tell them it is their loss , then move on and find new friends . friendship doesnt allways last 4 eva

  3. It's hard to have a group of best friends. For then to do that like they did to you must have meant they have been planning it. Just go to school and act like you don't care about what happened. Be outgoing and be yourself make tons of new friends and once they see that you aren't really caring about their decision not to be your friend anymore they will realize they were wrong. Whenever your around them just act like you have better things to do then worry about their friendship because trust me that's what they want to see is you down. Just don't worry and have the best year of your life because 8th grade is going to be the funnest year yet. So live life and don't care about them. Good luck!  

  4. Say hi to them in the halls ...they are now your CASUAL friends.  Sit with different people at lunch...if you want.  I don't really have a best friend.  I have tons of close friends.  GOOD LUCK!!! This is my last year of Middle School...something similar happened to me but I'm okay.  

  5. what? d**n that sux. oh well, move on. **** them. i hate fake friends.

  6. WEll im so sorry for you. what i would do is hang out with a group of other people like a group that you now likes you but if you want to make ur old friends mad you could hnag out with a group of friends that they hate, but i dont think you want to rock any boats (if you know what i mean). I would just act normall aroudn then but not to nice, just lke distnat but nice. MAKE NEW FRIENDS would be the best thing. Also im guuessing that they dont wnat to be frineds with you cause they see you as competion , or you may be preetier then them :)

  7. u should be nice to them and act like ur still there friend or just find a different group of friends to hang out with  

  8. About 2 years ago this happened to me. My friend told me that she didn`t want to be friends with me anymore, i was a bit sad at first but i soon made other friends. A few months later my ``ex friend`` started talking to me again, we became buddies right away. If you want to make more friends just be yourself, that always works :)

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