
How can i take alcohol to a school camp without the teachers finding it?

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How can i take alcohol to a school camp without the teachers finding it?




  1. Get your education, don't drink your life away.

  2. Why would you think nobody will turn you in?  In fact, it will be either the kid you p**s off, or the quiet kid you least expect.

  3. hide it, obviously.

    and only take it out when your by yourself so that nobody will tell on you. or when your with close friends that you actually can trust NOT to turn you in.


  4. When I was young and at a posh boarding school we used to have  brown glass shampoo bottles.  It was ideal for holding sherry (same colour) and I would blatantly stand it on my locker, knowing that the matron would think it was just shampoo and overlook it in any search - they always look for hidden things, not obvious ones.  Oddly enough, fifty years on, I hardly drink at all - it was just a bit of fun, and even my dad laughed and didn't try and stop me....cos he knew I was quite sensible really.

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