
How can i take legal action on this lady who likes my dad?

by  |  earlier

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Just in mid April we started getting phone calls, from that lady she wouldn't speak so everything you hang up the phone she calls again NON stop even though night. My dad is a gambler but stop, he met her 2 years ago and she ask for a ride always to the casino, my dad lives with my mom. After we changed our phone number, she started showing up in our street and wrote notes for my dad about taking her to the hospital because she is going to have a baby (shes lying, i'm sure she isn't pregnant) in the same week, she starts vandalizing our car which was parked in the driveway at midnight i think, she slashes our tires, takes away our passenger side mirror and breaks the windows. Think she is more of a harm now. Can i take any legal action, and how much can i charge her?(i did not catch her on the scene but i'm sure it's her)




  1. Wow.....she sounds like a wacko, and might be dangerous to you and your family.  I'd go and get a restraining order on her.  If you set up a camera, you'll have your evidence.  I'm not sure how much you can charge her with....that depends on what you video tape her doing.  Have you called the police on her?  That would be the first thing to do.  At least if anything happened to you or your family, they would have a report from you and know who to look for.

  2. Go to the police and get a restraining order against her for your family.

  3. you'll need proof, get a video camera for the outside of the house.

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