
How can i talk my parents into letting me get a belly ring?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13 and i really want a belly ring and i dont care about the comments like" thats to young" "you'll look trashy"..... i just want to know how i can make me parents let me have one I REALY WANT ONE BADLY




  1. if you can't talk them into it then no one can

    back off them and try again when your 16

  2. I know this is probably what you don't want to hear but I'd wait if I were you. At your age you're still gonna be growing. If you're still growing its got more change or migrating or rejecting.. I'd wait until you've finished growing..smaller scar will look better than big ripped one

  3. I convinced my very strict parents when I was 14- deal was I could have it done, they even paid for it, but the only place I could show it off was at the pool/beach. I was happy with that, it stayed covered at all other times.

    Bit of advice though- if it grows out, don't bother trying it again. Mine grew out after about 6 months and I got it done again at 17, and it only lasted about 3 months. Getting pierced through scar tissue hurts like h**l!

  4. the more you go on about it the more they will say no.

    Have you offered to pay for it yourself?? Have you told them of a clean reputable place that pierces?? If you have and they still say no there is nothing you can do.

  5. I wanted my belly button pierced when I was about 14. My parents finally let me at 15. But I went on line found all the place in my area that do it. Got their phone numbers and a price. ( I also said I would pay for it with my money I had from working) But then I also went on line and found out how to take care of it. Also found a video of it being done and sited it. Then wrote a huge paper. It was about 2 pages long. About how I was responsible enough to have it, and how to take care of it.

    My dad said after I put all that work into a paper he would let me if my first 9 weeks report card was as good as that paper.

    I think you are to young...but good luck

  6. As a mom myself - you cant talk them into it.  Once the mind is made up, it's made. :) Its a parent thing.  

    I know when my kids beg it gets me to stand my ground firmer, so dont try that route.

    Im sure they think you ARE too young, and a belly button ring isnt trashy, it's sexual.  And thats what they are worried about. I know I told my own daughter when she hits 13 she can have her nose or eyebrow done but NOT the belly button because of what it stands for.

    Is there another peircing you could go for instead?

    If you are set on that belly button ring, try to maturely explain to them WHY you want it, how you would take care of it so you dont get an infection, and that you'd pay for it yourself, etc etc etc.  If they still say NO, dont bug, just maturely say "Ok, I respect that." Your maturity might have them reconsidering.

  7. I hope they don't budge, it'd look stupid on you.

  8. There's no way to talk them into it. They know all the tricks in the book. You simply ask them, and whatever they say is their answer. It's a yes or a no. No amount of you moaning at them will change their minds.

    In my opinion, you should wait. In 10 years you might decide you don't want it, and then you're stuck. Really, you should wait.


  9. Well I think 13 years old is a little young - but think about why you want it. Is it because it will look "s**y" or make you more attractive? If so, that's exactly why your parents don't want you getting one. Also, your parents want to make sure you'll take care of it properly because infections in body piercings are a big deal.

    Maybe if you address these two major concerns (sexiness and cleanliness) your parents will allow you to get a belly ring.

  10. decisions should be amde by theperson themself.

    well there is no proper wayy 2 ask ur parents..

    jst normally strat a converstaiona and see how it goes...even if they say no once den try again maybe 1 or 2 months later.

    good luck with getting that belly ring of yours.

    p.s: im 14 and i love my belly ring

  11. I dont even think they'll let you get pierced at 13.

  12. You can't "make" your parents do anything. You are a child in their care.

  13. Well Ive found theres no way to talk a parent into it. I wanted mine done bad when I was 17 my parents said no how no way. So I waited till I was 18 and got it done. But since your only 13 thats a while away. But honestly there overrated, I had to take mine out when I was pregnant. And Im not going to get it done again. Its just more of a hasstle then anything. Trust me. I wish I hadnt had it peirced and Im 21, but now I have the hole. And it doesnt look good without anything n it.

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