
How can i tame our new gerbil?

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i got a gerbil over a hamster for our son becuase i was told it was more friendly we have had it for a few weeks and are still unable to hold it. it jumps and runs whenever we try to take it out of its cage. how can i tame it to be more comfortable with being held and handled by us?




  1. Pick it up everyday (it WILL jump) and pet it. But only for a few minutes a day as days go by let the sessions grown longer.

    Hope I helped

  2. Gerbils do tend to have this problem... I've only had 11 of them and I can say I do prefer hamsters. I had to wait until they were all older and had little energy to be able to hold them without them falling to the floor because they jumped off my lap.

    I guess you could try giving the gerbil treats and gently pet him or something. Gerbils are really hard pets for the jumping reason.

  3. Firstly, you give them a few hours to settle into their new home. Then, introduce your hand into their tank and let them sniff. You might find a young pup trying to "taste" you, and find out if you're edible. This should not hurt; just slowly move your hand away. Young gerbils are particularly prone to this as it's part of their "put everything in your mouth" stage. They will outgrow this.

    Rest your hand still in the bottom of the tank. The gerbils will cautiously explore your hand for a while. If they appear scared and run away, don't push it. Just put your hand in their cage for several minutes a few times each day. Pick sunflower seeds out of the food mix and set these aside. This is the perfect opportunity to teach you new gerbils that great treats come from your hands. Place a few sunflower seeds or peanuts in your palm and they will soon associate tasty things with your hands.

    If you want to pick your gerbils up, try to scoot them into a corner and gently lift them up in two hands. Never pick a gerbil up by their tail, not even the base of the tail. (A gerbil tail is jointed and could break off in the middle). Do not chase them around the cage, and do not swoop down from above. If you can't get them into your hands, then you can start by lifting them up using a tin can or cup. They usually explore these and then you can pick them up once they're inside. Then, take them out and sit them on your arm or shoulder, and let them explore. Gerbils love a good shoulder. Usually they'll run back and forth across your shoulders, down your arm, and perch on your elbow to get a look around. Be careful if they seem jumpy, and you may want to do this sitting down on a chair or bed to keep them from getting hurt if they fall.

    After a week or two of doing these exercises, the gerbils will usually happily let you pick them up. You can teach them to sit still on your shoulder or elbow while you walk around. Soon they'll start "signaling" when they want out of their cage. They usually do this by standing on their hind legs and resting their forepaws against the glass and hopping up and down a bit. Some learn to spring straight up in the air when they see you, if they've learned it results in the desired response of getting some out-of-the-tank time.

    If despite gentle handling your gerbil nips painfully and then runs away or draws blood it could be a sign of poor temperament or lack of early socialization. You may want to return or exchange such gerbils for ones that are of a gentle and reliable nature, especially if children will be handling these pets.

    Hand training can be easy if you move patiently and slowly. Each morning when you feed them remove all the sunflower seeds from their food. Put these aside in a little cup near their tank. Then through out the day put a few sunflower seeds in the palm of your hand. Do not try to catch them or pick them up. Before long they will be use to your hand and see you as a glorified seeds dispenser. After a week slowly raise your hand a few inches each time one of them sit on it. Then slowly lower it back down again.

    Once they feel comfortable with your hand moving up and down gently give them a little nose rub. Some gerbils love Tame gerbilsto have their noses and foreheads rubbed. You can create a cave with two hands held against your body, some of them will go to sleep, and others have a silent purr like kittens.

    Within two weeks they should be very friendly, and loved to be held. Even though with responsible, gentle children it is recommended they do not handle the gerbils, until you are confident that the gerbils are tame. This avoids a bad early experience, and it is easier and faster to tame gerbils when only one person is working with them. Once they are use to human contact, the children can gradually begin to play with them.

  4. First off, you have to go at the gerbil's pace.  Overall, the gerbil will be a much better choice than a hamster.  You should have gotten two gerbils, they are social animals and may become depressed if they live their whole lives alone.

    First, speak in low voices so you do not startle it.  Put your hand, palm facing up on the shavings and let it sniff you and if it runs away, let it.  Do not jolt or move.

    Next, offer a sunflower seed or a pumpkin seed as most gerbils cannot resist this.  If the gerbil takes the treat from your hand, then that is a good sign to start with.

    For easier pick-up and an easier way for the gerbil, try getting a cup and scooping the gerbil up instead of picking the gerbil up by your hands.  Then when you have a secure area like a bed, couch or even your lap, let the gerbil go and interact with it and give him a treat.  He will know that he will get a treat when he comes out to play so he will want to come out.

    If the gerbil is young, he/she will be easier to tame and it won't take as long.

    I hope this helps you.

  5. hit them relly soft on the head and yell NO

  6. If you only have one gerbil i suggest you buy another one from the same litter. Unless you want your current gerbil to go emo and go kill itself. A way to tame your gerbil is to feed it treats and stick your hand in the cage and let it run around and over your hand for the nect few days ( and they bite if your hand smells like food of id they want to !) they also dig if their on your hands ( which HURT.) I currently have 2 gerbils and one hamster and their all cute but i'd perfer hamsters because they don't p**p or pee while wakling at the same time, they sit and take their time ( unlike gerbils)

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