
How can i teach my 2 year old daughter to walk obediently and not to run off?

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Every time when we're out and i let my daughter walk, all h**l breaks loose as she either tries to run off or, if idon't go were she wants to go a tantrum follows. I really don't know were to start. Even with reins it's a nightmare, if she notices that i'm holding them, she collapses her legs and then of course a tantrum. Can anypne help?




  1. I too am a big believer in reins, with mine I put the reins on them and ask them to hold on to pushchair, if they let go of the pushchair I pick up the reins which they don't like, it does take time, if she lays down and kicks off take her home or just watch her while she does it.You could take pushchair with you a few times and ask her to help push it to get into the habit of holding on, if she lets go she goes back in it.

  2. of course she will she is not a dog

    hammer a nail through her arm and attach a rope

    she wont moan then

  3. My daughter is pretty good, but we've always had these rules:

    I say "there are cars, that means we hold hands" then I tell her how I love to hold her hand or how good she's being. If she runs off, I immediately grab her and sit her down in a safe spot for a time out. We also have a "toddler leash" but hardly ever use it. You can let her pick the animal and tell her it's giving her a "hug." Good luck.

  4. We have the stroller rule:

    -The kid must walk holding the stroller at all times, with one hand.

    -After one warning, the kid gets put back into the stroller.

    Also, try explaining that she needs to hold the stroller to be safe.

  5. Pick her up off the ground and swat her on the bottom and tell her to knock it off, just don't do it around alot of people because of what happened to that lady in Iowa.  People just take things the wrong way too much nowadays.

  6. I'm all for being strict - the deal is go out nicely holding moms hand or you don't go out.

    If she starts something while you are out warn her that if she doesn't stop she will go home and then keep to it. When she realises that you mean what you say and there are consequances to her negative actions she should come around. Do the same for other behaviours.

    I belive the default is that children should be expected to behave, without the need for constant praise or bribes.

  7. I used reins too and am a great believer in them, at least that way you can stop them running off and getting run over! Just persevere, she will come to accept the restraint in time, remember you are the boss and you are doing every thing you can to keep her safe.When she throws a tantrum just stand still without comment if you can and show her it doesnt bother you. She will soon come round if you dont give her any attention when she does this. Good luck!

  8. First off, I like how you ask how you can 'teach' her.  Some of these answers speak to spanking or punishing...that is NOT teaching.  First, explain to her why.  Maybe make a rule, like we have to 'be safe' and one thing we do to 'be safe' is stay with mommy.  Really try to prep her for this and let her know what your expectation is.  

    She is running away for a's working for may be for attention or it may be for power.  So, you need to giver her more power or more attention.  Provide lots of choices for her (should we go this way or that way, for example).  Choices that YOU are okay with but makes her feel like she has some control.  Also give her lots of positive encouragement when she is doing the right thing.  Avoid saying 'good job', but instead be very specific.  Say things like "Wow!  I love how you are walking right with me!  You are being so safe!"

    Also, be sure to tell her where you are going, how long you will be there, etc.  Make sure she knows what is going to happen.  You may want to consider some kind of reward for appropriate behavior...of course this is not ideal, but it is far better than her running off.  The goal is to 'shape' the behavior.  Maybe a sticker, ice cream, a small toy from the dollar store, etc.  Whatever may motivate her.  Before you walk, tell her what you expect, where you are going, etc. and what she will get if she 'is safe' and walks with mommy.  Also tell her what will happen if she doesn't do these things.  For example, that you will feel frustrated, that she will be disapointed that she doesn't get her reward, and that you will be scared because she is being unsafe.  Tell her what YOU will do if she doesn't walk with you (carry her, hold her hand, wait for her, etc...whatever you do when she does this).

    Finally, always tell your child what you want instead of what you don't want.  For example, don't tell her 'no running', but instead tell her that you expect her to 'walk with you'.  Young children often do not hear the negation (the 'don't' part) and "don't run" becomes "run" in their minds.

    Good luck...hope some of this helps.

  9. Just make sure she has only two options.  she holds your hand  or goes in the buggy. Be consistant and she will learn. Mine is 26 months and she is very good. I have taught her to hold my hand whenever she see's a road and that if she runs off she goes in the buggy. She rarely runs off now. If she does she doesnt go far and always comes back when told to.

  10. It is all about teaching them.  Explain to her that if she wants to be a big girl and walk, she has to hold mommy's hand and not get upset about it and if she does get upset then we will get right back in the car and go home.  And actually do it,  Yes, it is aggrivating to get back in the car, but it works.  She will learn that if she wants to be a big girl and walk there are rules that  you have to follow.

  11. It's hard, I know I have a 2 year old myself. I think that as long as we explain to them why they can't run off, ex. hit by car, taken away, etc. They will start to realize why they shouldn't do it. But make sure they hold your hand. And if they throw a tantrum, pick them up. Putting them in the shoppping cart at stores helps A LOT. It just takes time but if you are persisitant, it will work.

  12. Keep up with the reins! My son is nearly 3, and he still has reins, but if he wants to go somewhere else he is still difficult! But if he didn't have reins, he would just be gone!

  13. your daughter is 2 so it is very common for her to have tantrums.  But don't let her get away with it.  You are the parent.  I have left shopping carts full of food in the middle of an isle because my kid was misbehaving!  If i had to leave the store then she was definatly getting a time out.  Use the thing that matters the most to her.   Like taking away a favorite toy.  And do not waver!!  I told my daughter that she was not allowed to walk and that she had to sit in a cart.  If she was good then I would praise her, hugged her or gave her a treat.  Get down to her level and explain things to her tell her that we are going into the store and that she will be in the cart if she is good and listens then maybe she can get someting special....she can understand what you want from her but she is pushing her limits with you.

  14. It's training.  Teach her to hold your hand when you're out.  Start by holding her hand up and down the driveway.  Then progress to a walk down the street, then into a local shop, etc.

    Each time she throws a fit, start right back from square one until she gets it.

    Explain to her that she needs to be a big girl and walk beside you, or you can't go out.  And don't go out until you've done that consistent training, and she's shown you that she can hold your hand by your side without throwing a fit or running.

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