
How can i teach my dog to fetch?

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I have a 2yr old miniature poodle, she wasn't very well treated before i got her, she is a lot better now with people and is more relaxed and less shaken when out for walks and stuff, but to encourage her to exercise (she used to just be kept in a garden all the time) i would like to teach her to fetch. she has a good run but would just be nice to be able to play something with her too. i have taught her to sit and lie down, but having real trouble with fetch! anyone have good tips?




  1. First of all you will need to get your poodle interested in a ball or any other toy.  First get her to hold a toy in her mouth and release it when you say so. Reward with a treat if she does this right. It takes a while to achieve this at first. Then throw the toy  ( or ball) a few feet away and tell her to fetch. You may have to goad her a bit to do this. as soon as she picks it up give lots and lots of praise.If she tends to run off with the toy, do all this on a long lead so as you can reel her in and get her to "give " you the toy.Gradually increase the distance that you throw the toy. Make it all into an exciting game with lots of praise and

    fun and she should eventually get the message that it is great fun to chase a toy and bring it back to you to be thrown again and again.

    A formal retrieve is a bit more complicated but as you only want to

    have fun it does not need to be perfect.    

  2. when i taught my dog i threw the ball and said 'fetch' my dog would run after the ball. i'd then have to chase after him if he didn't bring the ball back. after alot of tug of war trying to get the ball back i would say 'let go' and when he let go i would tell him goodboy.

    it did take awhile.

    but now i say 'fetch' and he gets the ball and brings it back. if he doesn't drop the ball i say 'let go' and he will drop the ball for me to throw.

    as for a toy find something that your dog is interested in.  buy a couple of toys if you have to and your dog will choose its favourite. then use that toy as practise.

    good luck!

  3. ok this is what i did with my dog what i did was get a sick and put somthing on the end of it wat it likes to eat and then make sure that he see s it trogh it  

  4. when i trained my dog i threw the ball and then it ran over to it but got distracted so if it gets distracted then walk over to the ball and have the dog follow you and most likely it eill pick it up but if it does not then pick it up and give it to him and repeat it it works sometimes

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