
How can i teach myself boxing?

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im 14 and there are no boxxing gyms around me so i need ways on how to teach myself boxing




  1. From T.V.

  2. just go around punching random people

  3. i was just gona say keep repeatedly punching a brick wall.. but that wld be mean

    well there are plenty of movies and books i guess, but i think the main components are strength and endurance so, swimming is rly good for endurance and you can do lots of running>>even though its so boring and sit ups and push ups, chack out some videos on youtube.

  4. you won't learn a whole lot by yourself, go to a boxing gym, PAL gyms are good and they are pretty cheap. You'll learn way more from experts and hands on help then you ever would alone

  5. you can't. you need to go to a boxing gym to learn. if you train on your own you will develop bad habits and then when you compete you will get kcocked out

  6. shadow box in front of a mirror

    hit a heavy bag

    and do some skipping

    hope this helps

  7. yes you can. like person above said there are online tutorials for people who cant afford them or dont have trainers.

    it would be better to goto the gym though.

    if you do it at home. but some 5kg weights and 10kg weights for  next month when your done.

    and a 200kg punching bag with boxing gloves, punching it without will hurt so much lol. i know ;)

    and your 14. dont do it to much.

    train 3 times a week.

    you dont want to be bulky, but lean and tall.

  8. Online tutorials, shadow box, and a 150lb hanging bag.

  9. go to the streets and annoy gangsters...

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