
How can i tell a lady that works with me to shut up about her personal problems??

by  |  earlier

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this lady is always talking about her hemorrhoids and i think that it is ******* disgusting ive told her to stop talking about that but now its like she talks about it more

should i just kill her and end her suffering?




  1. Just politely tell her that you're not comfortable with her telling you such personal information.

    "Sorry, but this is a very personal subject, and I'd prefer if you'd keep it to yourself."

    She may be a bit embarrassed and/or offended, but it's disgusting for her to be talking about that, maybe it'll teach her a lesson and she won't disgust other people with it.

  2. Eeeew! That's nasty. Not very lady-like. Just tell her you don't want to hear it. What the heck kind of person is she????? If she keeps it up just give her a phone book and tell her to call a doc and have them taken care of. Or get the dang number for her. She is gross for talking about that with co-workers. It's not rude to tell her. It's rude for her to carry on about it to you.

  3. You should just walk up to her and give her an open handed smack in the mouth.. That should do the trick.. then again her roids may flare up as well as her temper.. Duck tape should suffice then.. good luck..  

  4. Tell her it's not something to be discussed in the work area and when she doesnt listen to you thats when you shove your foot up her *** and then the hemorrhoids will be the least of her problems

  5. No simply go back to work and when she mentions the hemorrhoids tell her this ( ok I am tired of the hemorrhoids because they are not only a pain in you butt but now they are also a pain in mine so here is what you need to do to get rid of them every time they pop out this will do the trick then tell her ....When you get off work go by the dollar store and get you some surgical gloves and before you go to bed tonight put the gloves on then take some Vaseline or hemorrhoid creme ..put some of it on you finger with the glove on it and then take it and push those hemorrhoids back inside where they belong tell her it might hurt a little but gently push all the way back inside then go to bed and in the morn when she gets to work she will be singing your praise and no more hemorrhoids but after that if there is another problem and she starts again tell her you are all out of answers for her that it's only one answer per co worker and she will have to whine to someone else! )

  6. Maybe try to act like you are not interested in that subject anymore? Like just nod or don't say much back to her about say "Oh." Or "Uh huh I see."  

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