
How can i tell how old my hamster is?

by  |  earlier

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i just got my hamster and the people at pet universe didnt tell me how old he is. HELP!




  1. they get them young - more than likely less than a year.

  2. Ask him.

  3. ask the hammy....

    i honestly believe i can talk to animals they all understand me as do i understand them ifyou and i meet i could ask him and also ask him if everything in his lfe is ok!

  4. let him strave, if he dies within 3 days his young if he dies 4days his old

  5. I've noticed that after a year old, the hamster starts losing fur directly behind his ears.

    If the hair is there, he's younger than a year old.  If it's thinning, he's probably older than a year.

    My two year old hamster, has no fur behind his ears.  My year old "babies" have fur behind their ears.  Their mother who is 15 months has thinning fur behind her ears.

  6. There isn't any way to tell exactly how old a hamster is, I'm afraid. If you bought him from a pet shop or breeder (which you did) he's unlikely to be more than a couple of months old.

    They need to separate the hamsters into male and female before they become sexually mature (hamsters don't know the rules about incest) and soon after this they will start becoming territorial and fighting so they have to be split up into individual homes. Most pet shops don't want to have tanks full of fighting hamsters so they try to sell them young.

    Phone Pet Universe and ask them.

  7. Look at his wee wee! If it is really brown, then he is RLLY old (for a hamster anyway)

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