
How can i tell if a guy likes me?

by  |  earlier

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ok so in one of my classes this is the way we were assigned seats it this girl, then me and then this guy next to me and he talks fine to this other girl in my row but when he talks to me he seems kinda nervous and stuff. and then today i dropped my pencil and he picked it up for me (i know its cheesy) and so does he likes me or not?




  1. hmm dunno.

    you need more info then that.

    just cause he picked up your pencil doesnt mean he likes you..

    talk to him more.

    maybe he does.  

  2. Well to be honest, the best way to see if a guy likes you is to ask him. Believe me it's better to get a straight answer from him and then know for sure. I know its nerve wrecking, but isn't better to know that he does like you and you guys can get together, than to wait like months and waste all that time you two could have been together?

  3. omg, he picked a pencil up for you! Who knows?

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