
How can i tell if it's a real skateboard.?

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i don't know how to put this question so that it can make sense but i just want to know how can you tell a real skate board like the ones the pros use from any other. is there anything special about them? do they have to weigh a certain amount of weight? just asking.




  1. My boyfriend will help u on this one:

    Traits of a good board would include a low weight, and a good amount of 'pop' (how far the nose/tail of the board go up from the bottom of the deck).

    Brand names are usually something i avoid except when it comes to skateboarding. The brand of the board says alot, such as what wood it's made of, and alot of times how sturdy it is.

    I would suggest buying an element if you have a thin build, or if you're a thicker person get a darkstar. I'm 220 lbs and ride a normal darkstar, and is yet to break/fracture it.

    "featherlight" and other "light" boards are more likely to break. Element's are usually notorious for being great to ride and fun, until they break, which doesn't take long. 1 trip to the skatepark broke my last element while i wasn't even doing anything serious, just rolling off a 8 inch ledge, onto flat ground (mind you, I'm 220 lbs).

    If you're suspicious of the board, ask for the brand of it.

    There are a few main parts to a board, I'll break it down.

    The Deck

    Arguably the most important part, it's the actual wooden part of the board. Good brands include: Zero, Element, Darkstar, Hookups, World Industries

    The Wheels

    The actual wheel, not including the bearings (donut shaped metal that makes u go), is pretty important. You have to replace these after they wear down. (6 mo's - 1 yr). Pig makes good wheels, and other brands like element also make them. Not the biggest thing to worry about.

    The Bearings

    The things that dictate how fast you will be able to travel, and the distance you will travel for. Good brands include Lucky, and Bones. Bones Swiss are some of the best, that's what pro's use. The Abec rating basically is a rating of how good they are. 7 is good. Bones Swiss Ceramics are the best, usually running you $40+ new.

    The Trucks

    The little metal things that connect the wheels to the deck. The lighter the better! They can be adjusted to allow how sharp of turns you will be able to make. Grindking is great.

    The Hardware

    Screws, nuts, etc. Brand name isn't too important, but if they have a brand on them, just another way to tell you're getting the real mccoy.


    Between trucks and deck, absorbs shock.


    The black (usually) sandpaper like substance on top the wood. Really important, if you buy from a good store, don't get the fancy flame colored grip, just get black. Black Magic (i think thats the name) makes great grip.

    CCS is a FREE catalog you can get, in which you can buy "completes" and you can literally select your deck, hardware, griptape, wheels, and bearings, and they deliver it to you already assembled.

    When buying a skateboard, invest $7 extra in a skate tool. It will save you alot of time looking for all the tools.

    Click skateboard builder.

    With CCS you can KNOW that you are getting quality, 100% of the time! I've shopped with them for the past 6 years. If you're buying a board for someone, they can pick out what they like from the catalog. I did that almost every year for christmas. Made my whole wish list off of it.

    A few last thoughts:

    Make sure the board is light.

    Make sure there are no slight cracks near the risers if the board is used.

    Don't buy a used board from someone you don't know.

    Don't buy a board from Wal Mart

    Don't spend more than $170! I have an absolute top of the line board, and spent $160.

    If you don't feel like choosing piece for piece building a complete, CCS and some skate shops also offer complete boards, but you sacrafice knowing everything is the way you like it.

    Good luck, feel free to contact me.

  2. You do not know where to post it either,do you.

  3. the pros use decks such as birdhouse, element, flip, zero, girl, and other big name brands, the cheap things, like you would get at, like, target, would break if you were really riding it

  4. if theres concaves on the side

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