
How can i tell if my chicken is a rooster or hen?

by  |  earlier

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I've had 2 rhode island red chickens for about 5 months. i'm not sure if there purebred or what.. but; One i know is definitely a hen, but i have NO idea what the other one is! how do i tell? it does have a bigger beard then the girl, but still..i'm not so sure. help? serious answers.




  1. if it crows its a rooster..

    if it lays an egg its a hen

    read this link if you like - its about pet chickens..a rooster will also try to mate with the hen...

  2. if "its" a rooster he will crow and if there are no signs of crowing but you still arent sure watch them carefully and if  "it" tries to peck the hens neck he is most likely a rooster. If they are both the same age but only one has started laying eggs give the other one about a week or two but if he still hasent started laying eggs he is a rooster... i once had a rooster that never learned how to crow... I hope this helped! : )

  3. well if you spend even like one day a week with them by this age the roosters will try to hump the chicken no matter what age they are so if one doesnt hump the other then u have the same gender because i have some hens that have big combs and wabblers so i thought they were males untill they layed me some eggs ^_^

    u can also wait in the morning it should start crowing lightly frm like 4 to 8

  4. Here are some photos or RI Reds

    The males have a larger comb then the females.  They also have longer tail feathers and what they call saddle feathers.  The feathers that droop over the back near the tail.  Also males can make their neck fathers stick out and look like a lion.  They also are not nice and will start to protect the hens from you and anything else.  

    The Comb is the big give away.  The bigger the comb means its a male.  ALSO males tend to have Spurs. So do some females but male almost always have them.

    Post some photos maybe I can tell you want I think.

    PS. Hens will Hump other hens its a way of showing her dominance.  A rooster can get picked on by hens and if this happens he will not mate with her.  We had some whims Roosters that were not hummpers. We also had some females that was bossy and humped other females.  SO humping is not a good sing.  

    Yes Young males will start to try and crow.  It might sound funny.

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