
How can i tell if my female cocktail if pregnant or not?

by Guest33421  |  earlier

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i have one male cocktail and one femal i was wondering for a heads up to know how i can tell if the female is pregnant or not . I want to know know so i can be perpared thx





  1. Do  you have a nest box up?  one about 11 inches square with a 3 in. hole.  But in Aspen bedding.  The male needs to go "redecorate" the house.  He has to "fix" the hole and dig a little inside. That's a possible sign, especially if she goes in, gripes, and then he has to go back. If she's ready to lay, she will inspect the next box and if she doesn't like it she'll make him go back.   Then if she goes in and stays in for the day by herself, that's your sign.  Do Not disturb her or check until the next day.  Then with a permanant marker, mark the egg (1) and mark it on the calendar.  She should lay one every other day.  And be prepared to hand feed the babies at 2 weeks old, if you know how.  They make tamer birds, but it's not a simple thing to do.  You have to know where to put the food as putting it straight down the throat will drown them.  If there was no nest box up, there's a good chance she's not.  Also, this really isn't the season, but I have a pair on eggs now because I have these to lay off seasons.  Spring and Fall are the times.

  2. I thought cocktails were for drinking?!

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