
How can i tell if my friend is g*y?

by  |  earlier

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ok i like this dude alot...but alot of people say hes g*y, but im pretty sure (not positive though) that hes not. i dont want to just come out and ask him because one that would be rude and two i dont want to hurt our friendship. so how can i tell without asking him?




  1. Check his closet to see how many pairs of high heels he has in there.

  2. just ask him out and if hes g*y he will probably say sorry but i dont go for women

  3. get to know his environment

    like his friends, where he hangs out, and get to know him.

  4. Does his breathe smell like d**k? yep hes g*y.

    Is his mouth extraordinarily stretched. yep hes g*y

    Is he coughing up hair balls but has no pets, yep hes g*y

    Does he have pubic hair between his teeth, yep hes g*y

    Is the  mustache growing between his teeth thicker than the one above his lip? yep hes g*y.

    This is  indeed a four star MEGA.    yep hes g*y.

  5. You mean you like him romantically?  Tell him , without expectations, that you like him. If he is not interested in you in that way, it doesn't mean he is g*y. If he is g*y, then you're running the risk of causing an awkwardness between you two. If you are his friend, and you like him, why would you go back to this friend with gossip? Gossip is usually spread by hateful, ugly people. If you repeat the gossip or act upon it, you're giving it more life.

  6. you can tell this if he just keeps looking at your d**k and just wonts to suck it in his sleep!

  7. be direct ask him...

  8. If he's a real friend he won't be offended if you ask him.  Just ask him and get it over with. I'd be more offended by someone prying and snooping than I would a direct question.

    It's not rude to ask someone if they are g*y. And if you try to tell if he's g*y by guessing you could cause some real problems. Just ask.

    If he gets upset and doesn't speak to you any more, I'd say it wasn't much of a friendship to begin with.

    Also, why do you want to know? Is it important that you know? If you don't really NEED to know maybe just let it slide and your friend will tell you eventually if he is g*y.


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