
How can i tell if someone has cheats on online pool and can i get some kind of cheats detecter?

by  |  earlier

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well playing pool and people don't miss a beat at playing pool and i would like to know how i can detect it if they have cheats...




  1. Wrong category, they can't cheat but they might use a straight edge.

  2. I thought this was the Snooker & Pool section, not computer games?

  3. Imagine that they cheat at Yahho pool Johnny!, one day they will be telling their kids!, son you should have seen me play yahoo pool, I was fantastic, and one time I got in a fight with this guy, so I put a virus in his computer!, Oh!, that's my dad!, tell me more Dad, tell me more!, how exciting!... Please!!!.

    I put my teethmarks on my mouse!, I bit it so hard, Ah!, Johnny!...................... Did you get email?, with attachment  

    Hey bill, I think you give the same # everytime!, is it like the one you got!. great mouse, man!.

  4. get a mew 666544411203987456/2 mouse it has a cheat dector built in it

  5. HA Ha Ha Dammit Bill

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