
How can i tell my boss that i absolutely hate it here in England & that i really just want to go back to the?

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US without getting fired? I am suppose to stay here untill the end of the summer, but i just absolutely hate it here. I am starving half of the time because i cant eat the food, the climate is terrible & i am simply just not enjoying myself. I am miserable & i want to go home & enjoy the real summer. If i stay here all summer, by the time i go home it will be freezing where i live. My boss knew that i didnt want to go & he made me anyways. I miss my girlfriend, my child, the sun & just my country in general. How can i get out of this situation?




  1. You said your boss made you go? If this is for career development, stick it out! Its a job and its only another 2 months or so. The experience will be good for you and will make your future stronger by strengthening your life experiences which lood good on a cv. This in turn will make you more employable, which has to be good for you, your girlfriend and your child! I know it must be tough, being away from family can be h**l, but when its for everybodys benefit in the long run...Theres nothing you can do about the climate bar buying another jumper : ( But when it comes to food, that should be easy to over come! There are loads of american imports in the large super markets! Cook food that you are used to and like! If you really really cant take it, explain everything to your boss and ask about giving your notice, but if you can stick it out, then stay! Maybe they could come visit you? This is up to you in the end, we all have to do things we dont like, it just depends on how much more you can take? Just dont forget to think ahead a bit, theres an economic slowdown in the international markets, if you go home will you have  a job? This is a really difficult situation for you, and its a pity its like this! I hope everything works out for you, whatever you decide!!

  2. Pissoff back to where you came from you ungrateful sod!

  3. it's fine if you don't like England, and i wish you all the luck in trying to get back to the US as soon as you can, but what i don't get is what is so wrong with the food here that you are starving yourself.

    Basic English food, is Meat and Vegetables, there is nothing to bad about that, plus our supermarkets sell every type of Food you could ever want from around the world, there are restaruants from different cultures on every street, and there are literally hundreds of American Fast Food restaurants everywhere

    i don't see how you could be starving, i think your being over dramatic on that point.

  4. There are two ways to face this situation

    First is that to become friendly with your boss and then tell him that you are missing your family and you dont want to work more here. I hope he will must understand your dificulty

    The second way is tha if he will not agree with you then you should have to shift your family near to your job place because the family is precious then the job and other.

    I think that you should face his situation withj patience

  5. You don't say how long you have been in the U.K. Have you really given it a chance? It sounds as though you had already made your mind up to hate it before you even went there.

    To be sound a little bit immature...perhaps thats why your boss sent you, maybe thinking it would give you a little bit more confidence, and perhaps in the hope that you would grow up a bit?

    I think you need to sit down and take stock of your situation. Make an effort to make friends, and perhaps go out more...try different places to eat out etc. Stick at it.....I'm sure you will be a much better, stronger person at the end of your stay.

  6. The main thing is to be positive.  You COULD 'have a word with yourself' and look on your visit to the UK as an opportunity, not a threat, look on the plus side that you are learning and experiencing and pleasing your boss. There are places that sell American Food, and we get warmth and sunshine at times, so that needn't be such a problem. On the other hand, if you are dead set against staying a moment longer than you have to maybe you could pretend to be very ill and get sent home that way. I must say, it sounds as though you're just having a good whinge, and will be feeling better already.

  7. Did you not do any research into what a British summer was like? It's fickle - one day chilly and wet the next may be hot and sunny, you just never know. I'm soon moving abroad and have fully prepared for the different climate. I love the British climate - never too hot and never too cold.

    And as for eating - what exactly did you eat in the US that you can't get in England? There's as many healthy options or junk food places as you could want and has the most diverse cultural restaurants.

    Just grin and bear it - go out and make friends it's only a couple of months to go.

  8. you know what, its so c**p being in  a job that you hate as you dont work as efficiently. and you generally feel c**p. its not a nice way to spend your time, esp if your in another country and those dearest to you are miles away.

    i know this is hard for you, but you know what please if you can, just stick it out. Its not like it is forever. If i were an employer having a reason such as the weather isnt good enough for me to work here is , no offence, a terrible reason and not something that you should use.

    It depends on your relationship with your boss to be honest, if its good you could discuss things with him about going back to the US earlier PLEASE do not mention the fact that you are missing the US heat!

    If not then make sure you have a date for when you will be leaving and its a matter of counting down the days. Stop seeing the negative and try and look for SOME positive. when people can see  that your smiling they will be drawn to you as right now they are prob thinking hes miserable and not making the effort and this in return is making your stay more unpleasant.

    Hey, its not forever and i guess we all have to make some kinda sacrifice here and there. itsa matter of weeks not years.

    Despite the fact you dont like it, it will show in your next role that ou stuck it out, despite fiding it tough and thats a quality that not everyone possesses.

    good luck

  9. Do you have some sort of private medical cover? Because it sounds to me that this job over here is depressing you, and maybe going to see a doctor and letting it all out will help?  I know exactly how you feel honey, I couldn't live away from my home or family for long.  Try getting a doc to write to your boss explaining just how bad this is getting for your mental health...

    Best wishes


  10. you shouldn't have to stick it if its not for can't live somewhere that you don't want to. you're not a pet. i would just move back to the US and get a new job.

    i wanna move to the US someday, im addicted to america :( havent been for 2yrs!

  11. Don't bother telling your boss just go and take George Bush with you.

  12. Just ask if you can go,  If you dont ask you dont get.

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