
How can i tell my dad im pregnant .im only 15?

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  1. start by saying how would you react if i were pregnant ... then lead on to saying how he is so supportive and the tell him... i fhe goes mad ... start to cry and say a load of rubbish to make him feel bad:)

  2. He'll figure it out eventually if you don't. But you might want to just dig down deep and be honest and direct. Tell him I'm sorry but I screwed up. He will be upset, but he will not stop loving you. Remember that always. You need his support on this so go tell him right now.

  3. Just confront him it better than him finding out in some other way!!

  4. tell him that you need to talk to him then sit him down and let him know that you made a huge mistake but be honest with him. he's going to be upset but you are going to have to tell him sooner or later.

  5. I think you should tell your Dad be out in the open I'm sure he would appreciate that you came to him and told him the truth but tell him you are really scared and you need his support and well-being. Hopefully then he will understand and help you go through the prgnancy, but also tell the father or the baby and keep him updated too as that is also important for him and the baby because he may wish to help you to. Hope I helped and good luck in the future and with whatever you decide to do. I'm sure you will deciede what's best for you and your baby.

  6. sorry love but you are just gonna have to tell him straight. if you are really scared then maybe ask another relative to be there with you. he'll probably need a bit of time to get used to the shock though so dont expect him to behave as you want him to at first.

  7. Okay well im only 15 and im 7 months pregnant, And i waited like a month after i found out to tell my mom and when i did she didn't know how to react, but luckily shes cool with it now,But you should just ahead and tell your dad straight up that your pregnant cause maybe you guys can work together to figure out what to do about it and i mean he might be mad but your his Daughter and i know he can't help but love you and you have to remember that too becasue im sure he'll support you

  8. just tell him straight out. the sooner the better. ask him for hlep to and ask him to still love you

  9. she be straight up honest and say

    i was dumb for getting myself in this position and i regret it but dad i'm pregnant.

    good luck with everything

    hopefully you finish high school.

  10. Well in the first place you shouldn't be pregnant..

    I would suggest being upfront with it though.

  11. Before you talk to either of your parents, decide with your boyfriend on what you're going to do with the baby [keep, give up for adoption, abort...]. Please don't abort the baby... he/she didn't do anything wrong...!!

    Now you're ready to confront your mom and/or dad. I suggest talking to your mom first -- she'll be able to help you tell your dad the news. However, if you're more comfortable with telling your dad first, then do that.

    The best way to tell your dad is by coming out straight with the truth -- there's no need for you to give an introduction to the conversation -- just get to the point.

    Your dad will probably get upset and he may shout at you. Eventually he'll cool down and will straight to the facts -- his daughter is pregnant and he has to help her out. The same will happen with your mother. Your parents may get really heated up for a few hours to a few days but in the end, they can't deny that you're their daughter. They will definitely help you through it.

    Good luck =]

  12. My daughter is also 15. I would like to think she could feel as if she could come to me with any problem as i've always told her that she could. If ever there is anything on her mind i tell her to write it down if she finds it too hard to actually say the words. Maybe you could do this as it would take some of the presure off you and it would give your father time to take it in and get into support mode. The sooner you tell him the sooner you can start getting the support you need and the advice as to what to do next. I really do wish you the best of luck sweetheart.x Good luck

  13. tell ur mom first, let her then talk to your dad. but wotever u do at the end of the day tis ur decision, dont let ur parents force u to do something that u dont want.

    you will be 16 next year, although still very young but old enough to make certain decisons about ur life.

    its best u tell him now coz the longer u leave it the worse it'll get, and the pressure will be building. tell u mom, ket her do the talking to your dad.

    gudluck hun X and im sure you'll be a great mom.

  14. let me tell you something never be afraid to ask for help never be afraid to ask for help because your entitled to it.

  15. Well, he's going to find out eventually... That's for sure.  

    However you do it, you need to find a mature and level-headed way to do it.  You AND the father of the child need to convince your Dad that you're going to somehow take 100% responsibility for what you've done, and that this will not become HIS burden or somebody else's.  


    I see a lot of responses advising you to have your Mom tell him, or to tell him in a note or text message.  That would be a mistake- it's a surefire sign that you're not mature enough to raise a child, if you can't look him in the eye and tell him.  

    You've got a hard long road ahead of you.  You're going to need every bit of support you can get.  Don't make him your enemy over this.  Acting like a child over this is going to get you nowhere, so you need to gather every ounce of maturity you have, and get through this.

  16. Its a lot better for you to tell him than for him to find out elsewhere. Sometimes it helps to write a letter. Also, make your decision about what you are going to do and do some research about it first. For instance, if you want to keep the baby, its better for you to have researched grants and childcare for them while you are at school etc.

  17. tell the calmer parent first.If that's your mom then tell her.Let her drop you off at a friends house & then she can tell your dad.After he has cooled down then you're mom can fetch you again.You can also leave a note,text him or just speak to him upfront.It won't be easy but eventually he'll accept it

  18. The only way you can do it is to be honest. My best friend (who is 18) recently gave birth to her baby, and the way she went about telling her family was straight up honesty.

    Good luck with everything!

  19. You'll just have to come out and tell him.  Also, know your legal rights.  No one can make you keep the baby, give the baby up for adoption, abort the baby, or anything along those lines.  Any medical professional would not do the procedure if you simply say, "I'm here against my will, please call the police."  Hopefully, it won't come to that.  

    Get your education, because without it, you won't be able to support yourself, much less you and a baby.  If you consider adoption, make sure that whoever adopts the baby is open to have you visit, and see the baby, even if right now you think it's best if you don't.  If you leave the door open where you can, you don't have to, however, if you shut it, you'll never be able to get to the baby.  You don't mention your mom, so I'm assuming you don't have one.  See if a trusted relative, or your grandmother, an aunt, or someone is around.  Even if it's your boyfriend's mother.  You'll need prenatal care soon, and there are ways to get it.  You'll also want to have a plan on what you are going to do with your future in mind when you talk to your dad.  My prayers are with you.  It isn't an easy road for a 2 parent household to raise a baby, much less a 15 year old.  Good luck!

  20. ask him some where public like a resturant and then tell him but after u eat then go home and listen to him when he says something and dont talk back to him

  21. i feel for you!

    i'm 15 too and i've had a pregnancy scare before.

    so i totally know how you feel.

    i think you need to think about what you want; do you  want to keep your baby, termination, adoption or fostering.

    then once you know what you want.

    sit your dad down and tell him.

    you know you should watch the film Juno. the way she tells her parents is really good. email me if you need someone to talk to. I'll listen. promise.


  22. You poor girl. This must be a nightmare for you.  Why are you so scared of telling your dad? Is it because your mum isn't around anymore or because he's very strict? Do you know an adult who you can confide in? A teacher? Aunt? Someone who could come with you to help diffuse the situation if needed. Whatever your circumstances, one thing is for sure, you must tell your dad. The longer you delay telling him the harder it will get. It can't be any worse than keeping such a thing to yourself - you must be making yourself sick with worry. At 15, and still a minor, you'll need a parent to guide you through your options.  You'll need support. What you decide to do about this pregnancy might be the most difficult decision you'll ever face in your life and you can't do that alone.

  23. Just walk up to your Mom or Dad or both together, and say: I am really sorry to have to tell you this, but I am in trouble, being pregnant and need your help.

  24. Yes, i definitely think you should sooner rather than later than you, your mum and dad can all sit down and talk about what you are going to do. Perhaps tell your mum first and say that you are worried about tell your dad and I'm sure she will help you but it is much better to tell him and get it out in the open.

    Probably a better idea for your mum dad and you to sit down before you bring you Boyfriend/friend round so he doesn't freak out at him. But remember to keep your boyfriend updated and maybe bring him round once your dad had calmed down abit. And make sure what you end up doing with your child is your decision and you are happy and sure what you want to do. But a problem shared is a problem halved.

    Allot of people may say to get you mum to tell him but the sounds like your immature and can not be mature enough to have this baby tell him face to face and look right in his eye may be really scary and he may be very cross but he will calm down and help you through this you are his little girl and he will want to help you. So Defiantly get it out in the open you will feel alot better. They will definitely help you through it.

    Maybe Before you speak to either of your parents decide with you Boyfriend/friend what you would like to to, give it away, obort, keep but i maye have said this but make the desicion yours and your boyfriends noone elses i personally do not agree with obortion but if that is what you think is best go ahead.

    =]:)  Good Luck And Congratilations

    Hope this helped.



  26. u should have u and the father both there when u tell him but if the guy is a*****e than just tell ur dad that u made a mistake and need help

  27. I sorry to hear that.  Tell your Mum first, or other relative, and let them tell your Dad.

  28. I'm 17 and  just had to go through telling my family i was pregnant, i was more worried about telling my mom than my dad to be honest. =) just sit him down and tell him, chances are he will be a little mad at first but when that baby comes along there is no way he wont love it i promise, my mom was mad for like 2 days and then went out and bought tons of baby clothes, dont stress its not good for you or baby, just keep calm and tell your dad the truth and come up with a plan together. it will all work out. GOOD LUCK, congrats!

  29. if i were u i would say " dad. i have something big to tell u, but u have to promise that u wont freak out. im pregnant" he might be a little mad at first, but he will get over it.

  30. No matter what way you try to put it the fact is that you're still pregnant. Just tell him he won't hurt you too bad if he really loves you..

  31. well youur too small to be pregnant:S

    but i have had my sisters been their

    when they were your age.

    andd youu neeed tooo

    get thee guy & you.

    and bring him oveer

    soo you can tell him

    its not like your dad's gonna mekee you not have him

    cause that would be killing a baby..:s

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