
How can i tell my family no!

by  |  earlier

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i recently started working from home and since then my family is constantly asking me to babysit. and for some reason i can't seem to say no. i have 2 kids of my own and they are enough of a hassle during the day while i try to work. and when another kid comes in it just makes them all act out. the child that i am always being ask to babysit is kind of a problem child. he is not a calm child at all. he is very destructive and my nerves just can't take it anymore. so how can i tell my family no. and why do they keep asking? i've dropped several hints. i've said things like... boy its so hard working at home and trying to keep my kids quiet.

also this is causing a little bit of trouble between my husband and i. he gets so mad at them for asking and then he kind of gets mad at me for saying yes.

any input would be greatly appreciated. thanks!




  1. You have to sit them down and explain to them that just because you are working from home doesn't mean you are not working... and that you cannot babysit their kids, but leave it open to emergencies and such.

    Explain to them what it is you do and what you need to accomplish during the day and that you simply cannot get that done when there are multitudes of children running around. And in the end you just need to buck up and say no...

    I know from personal experience that this is hard, because I too cannot say no and my husband gets frustrated with me too...

    Good Luck

  2. ya right .... u shold tell them '' i am really s0rry i have so much work to do today '' finish ........

    don't worry it will be ok ...

  3. say no...why would they be mad at this, tell them that "you can't today since you have a lot of work you need to get done"...they should understand this

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