
How can i tell my mom i wont go to college for what she wants me to?

by Guest67284  |  earlier

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my mom wants me to go to college for something i dont like to do, i really want to do something else... i know that she will flip when i tell her that i dont want to do what she wants me to do... but i cant do it i hate it and i really want to do something else but she wont listen to me, she has to much on her plate, and she is totally stressing over my college and its something i totally dont want to do... please help me i dont know how to tell her... or even what to say? please? i know she will flip!




  1. You are entitled to follow your dream. Tell her you want to do just that and what your dream is. Show focus & determination.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. your first couple of years will be concentrated on your core subjects anyway.  Just let her go on about what she wants and go get your core down.  In the mean time talk to your counselor when you're at school and discuss what you want and let your counselor guide you.  

    In a couple of years, you and your mom will be less stressed about going away to school and more focused on other things.  You will be more adult and more able to handle your mother without worrying that you are going to make her "mad" which is what a high schooler normally and naturally does.  

    And who knows, in a couple of years you may even change your mind on what you want to do.  

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