
How can i tell my mom that im THINK preqnant ?

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How can i tell my mom that im THINK preqnant ?




  1. first make sure that you are pregnant.  Go see a doctor, then if you really are tell your mom.  She will be dissapointed, but she will support you.  Tell her you need to talk and, tell her.

  2. Just go ahead and tell her. This happened to me and I wasn't even pg. Which in turn I thought my Mom would hate me, but no it made us even closer.  I think Mom's understand more than we give them credit for.  She may not react in a nice way, but in the end she will probably be your best friend.- If she is a real meanie- go to your best friend's Mom for help. And she would probably help you deal with it, in whatever that is you need to do..

  3. i was 17 and scared to death to tell my parents so i bought a "congrats on the new baby" card at wal mart and added "grand" baby  then wrote my parents about my pregnancy!  they took it actually really well!

  4. you dont until your 100% sure! Go buy a test!!! and if it comes out pos then go to the doctor. If it doesnt then wait a week and try again and if its still neg then your not.

    IF you are then just go to her and say. Mum im pregnant and i need your help. And then talk it through with her. Good Luck

  5. take a test first to see if you actually are pregnant and if you are then just tell her she'll and up finding out anyway

  6. buy yourself a test first.

    Dont mention anything until you KNOW for certain.

  7. be honest.. go up to her and be lik mom i think i am pregnant.. and let her carry things on.. yes i kno its awkward and scary but it needs to happen =] good luck

  8. Get a test and make sure 1st.

  9. Just be honest with her. She'll probably be disapointed or mad but in the end she'll be glad you came to her.

    If you're "adult" enough to have s*x and maybe get pregnant, then you're "adult" enough fess up to your mom.

    If you have to be ashamed or hide that you're having s*x... its a good sign that you shouldn't be having it.

  10. tell her you think you might be preg. but not sure, then she can take you to the doctor or whateva,but dont take the test first because if your not chances are you'll never tell her about, and you may make the same mistake again. if you tell her and your not then she can get you birth control.

  11. since you think you're pregnant, wait til your period and see if you have it or not and if you don't then go to you mom. or you can see about getting you a pregnancy test. if i were you i wouldn't mention it to her unless i know for sure. you don't want to get hollered at and then you find out you're not pregnant.

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