
How can i tell my parents if im pegnant?

by  |  earlier

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im 17 and well hte real problem is that i live in a small primarily christian town but know one would even blink if my parents seriously did kick me out and my parents are kind of old fashioned and have only told me about a million times that they will kill both me and my bf if even have s*x. im pretty sure they won't actually kill me since i am the baby of the family but my dad might just shoot my bf if he gets the chance. i really need help on how i can tell them without them hating me.(or killing my bf)




  1. My parents are extremly protective too. I was raised Catholic so they have always been real stuck on the "no s*x before marriage". My parents HATED the guy that I was dating, but when they found out that I lost my virginity to him they were more disappointed... not mad. Parents always act a lot toughter, but when it comes down to it... they were young once too. They might be mad at first, but it will fade with time.

    Good luck!

  2. Do you know if you are even pregnant? Seriously, find out if you are before you even worry about this stuff. It causes a lot of unnecessary stress and drama.

  3. You should just tell ASAP the longer you leave it the harder it will get, any way its kind of a hard thing to hide. They are your parents and they will do the right thing by you, they wont hate you. They may be a little dissappointed but that will soon wear off and excitement will take over. Good luck.

  4. for you. Ok, don't be mad at me for suggesting this(applies also to other posters), but you DO know you have a choice, right? Your biggest worry is not telling your parents, it's whether you want to keep this baby or not.

    I don't want to discourage you or anything, but if you were planning on seriously attending college and having a carreer after high-school, then having a baby is going to mess it all up. You're going to be so many miles behind other 17 year old teens at the starting line of life that you might give up on the way. Raising a child is hard enough, at 17 it's even harder, not to mention it's unfair for the child to be born on the streets(IF they kick you out) and with no father(IF he gets killed).

    But if you decide you want to keep the child, then go to your parents together with your boyfriend when they're in a good mood, cook them a nice meal, brace them for it, ask that they sit down and then break the news gently. Tell them that it's really serious, that you were gonna get married at 18 anyway, that you feel prepared and so on.

    They'll be mad at first but you're their daughter and, if they truly love you, they will give you the support you need.

    Hope this is helpful.

  5. im 21 and having the same problem trying to tell my parents and his parents that i am 3 months pregnant. His parents are extremem old fashion, they didnt take it well. but with my first kid, what i did was took a home pregnancy test came out positive put it on a paper towel and laid it on the table, they finally seen it and confronted me about it. they was shocked at first, cause pregnancy is a big shocker due with first kid and baby of the family. but they excepted it about a week later and now they wont put her down, they talk to her on the phone every day, always want pictures. it might go smoother than what you think. just be honest with them, the more you lie about it or hide it the worst its going to get!! good luck!! and congrats

  6. YOU NEED TO BE BRAVE , NOW THAT YOU HAVE A KID IN YOUR TUMMMY, remember its not just you now , its the baby and the boyfriend . your risking everyones life, easily when time goes to a happy place you can tell your parents or priest. don't wait tell your tummy is big! say it

  7. mayb u could say mam  dad i would like to have a conversation with you as adults and take it from sound that way that you are mature and responasble,you have to tell them but think of how you will word it first,as it might help.have some one there with you who will protect you and help explain with you how you feel and what is happening.and give you a bit of confidence being ther i hope it works out and wish you good luck honey.i was pregnant at 17 with my little girl who is now nearly 8 and i was in the same boat as you kind of  it was hard and very terrifying 4 me but me and my boyfriend,now husband sat my mam and dad down and broke the news,i cried (i think with nerves)but my mam was shocked and stunned,but after a glass of wine and bout half an hour she was fine worried but can be a wonderful thing so dont worry if you want this you will be very happy.good luck honey. x

  8. have your friends come with you and discuss all of your options

  9. are you sure your pregnant? but u have to tell them they are going to find out eventually sit them both down take every word they say because they are probably going to be pretty pissed and i highly dout they will hurt either on of you guys. they'll hopefully get over it! GOOD LUCK  

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