
How can i tell my sister i cant take care of her kids without getting into an arguement with her and my mom?

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I have two nieces a 2 yr old and a 6 yr old and im 6 months pregnant... my sister drops them off at my house every tuesday in the afternoon so that i can take care of them because she has to work and she dont have no one else to take care of them and her husband picks them up till friday in the night i cant take care of them no more they frustrate me too much and they are too spoil, i have told my sister plenty of times i cant take care of them no more but she dont listen instead she goes and tells my mom and my mom says dont listen to her just drop the girls off my mom dont even help me to take care of them because shes at work and whenever i tell her that i cant take care of them she says that why dont i want to take care of them that if i hate my nieces...i dont think its fair that i have to be putting up with kids that are not mine...and no i dont get paid for taking care of them....

what do you think? how can i tell them?




  1. you can tell your mom first, and say "mom, you know, i really can't take care of her kids, it's driving me crazy" and see what she says

  2. Why don't you tell her that even though you love your young nieces

    more than  anything, you can't take care of them all the time.  Or if

    she insist on bringing them over tell her that you're now charging $5

    an hour.

  3. If you live on your own, then you are under no obligation to babysit your nieces; however, it sounds like you may live with your Mom and be financially dependent on her.  

    1.  If you live on your own, then it's time to start taking Tuesdays off.  Let your Mom and sister know in no uncertain terms (preferably in writing) that you will no longer babysit.  Once you have done that when Tuesday rolls around, get your car keys, lock your door and go to a movie.  After a couple of weeks of this, they will get your point.  

    2.  If you are living with your Mom, she may expect you to babysit to help out your sister in much the same way that she is helping you.  

    Aside from the the situation with babysitting, these parents have absolutely no business leaving the children with anyone for 3 days straight!  No one works 24/7 so there's more going on here than meets the eye and your Mom is a fool for not seeing it.    

  4. Tell her that you are pregnant and don't have the energy.  Or, you can tell her that your doctor told you to take it easy.

    Don't allow her to guilt-trip you into doing something you don't want to do...

    Just don't expect her to watch your baby if you won't watch hers!

  5. Do you really mean you have the two kids from Tuesday afternoon until Friday night?  Wow, that's ridiculous.

    Regardless of how long you have them... if you told your sister and she won't listen.  Tell her today that's it, no more and that you aren't availiable next week.  Then just don't open your door.  Actually it'd probably be easiest if you were gone from the house when she tries to drop them off.  You aren't being paid and it's not your responsibility to watch someone else's kids.

  6. tell them you will not do it anymore.  your sister and her husband should be responsible for their kids, not you.  that's way too many days away from their parents.  don't let them make you feel bad.  just say no and you don't want to hear anymore from either of them about the subject.

  7. Tell your sister that fair is fair and she is going to have to start paying for your time.  My guess is that when she has to pay she will find someone else.

  8. You need to tell her and your mom both that you not babysit them anymore, you are pregnant and you have to take care of your own health. Tell them you are too tired and do not have the energy anymore. If they still continue to do this then you should not be there when they come to drop them off and then maybe they will get the hint.

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