
How can i tell my sister to take down her account?

by  |  earlier

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my sister is 12 years, and she has a face-book account. now i have had a lot of bad experiences on face-book. so how should i tell her to take off her account? i have one up, but i'm not really going to use it. i want to tell her this, in a kind way. where i don't look like if i'm prying into her life. my parents know about my accounts. but i just found out about hers. what should i do??




  1. First of all, just because you have had bad experiences on Facebook doesn't mean she will.  I haven't had any terrible Facebook experiences and I've had it for two years.  

    But since you are insistant on trying to protect her (which I understand, because she is your sister after all), you could mention it to her or your parents that she is too young to have Facebook.  I believe there is an age restriction on Facebook, you are supposed to be at least 13 (that was the limit when I signed up, anyway).  If you tell your parents that users are supposed to be at least 13 and you are concerned with her having such personal info online at such a young age, they may talk to her about it.  She is probably more inclined to listen to your parents.

  2. Maybe consult your parents and insist that facebook isn't good for her as she's very young and seems quite unsafe for her. I believe that if your parents as well your younger sister is explained with love and care, that they might try and understand you then.

    Try talking to them and see what happens.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Set the example, if it's so bad get off it. All my friends were on myspace and eventually my siblings got on myspace too, and I saw that they weren't using it in the best I deleted my myspace and I started making all my siblings delete their myspaces too, and if I couldn't get them to delete their pages I was always telling them about all the wierdo's that use it, or crimes committed because of it etc, or that their page should be on private, and if I saw them do anything I thought was bad I would warn them, and I made my parents aware of the fact that they were on myspace and that myspace is just a site that people become obsessed with that isn't then my parents didn't like it either. I have 3 siblings. They all got off myspace and there was no drama about it. I realized the only reason they were on it in the first place was because they saw how addicted I was too it, so it made them think it was really can do it. It's easy.  She's only 12. Tell her she shouldn't be wasting her time on the computer all day, that you know she's not a geek but that it makes her look like she has no life if she's so into a boring site...etc...things like that will work everytime

  4. Go to & look at the new mags. (Oct 08)

    It is about the internet & dangers therein.  Listen to them online, there are 3 articles about staying safe online.

    Privacy is a misconception these days, as the internet is anything but private.  So, if she is playing that card, then you can tell your parents, so they can handle it.

  5. Maybe you yourself should delete your facebook account due to bad experiences you've had in the past.  Your sister will be fast to argue that it can't be that bad, because if it was then you wouldn't have it yourself. If you think it's bad and don't have much use for it, then why even bother with one? Actions speak louder than words, so you'll be the one to set the example in order for her to follow. She's 12 year old, don't know the age difference between the two of you, but either you or the parents should monitor her account. How else would you know if she was planning to meet with some pervert on the computer, or one that might be sending her sexually explicit material. Hopefully she doesn't have a private computer of her own or in her room. Have the computer in general open space in your home, living room/family room, one that lacks complete privacy. You can also set up password/codes and block various sites so that she doesn't have access whenever she wants.

  6. ^^BINGO!

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