
How can i tell............

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my parents i wanna wear make up?...




  1. just start wearing it little by little...there is no need to tell them

  2. just flat out tell them.

  3. Am agree with the last answer.u've no need to tell them about it.Start it and if ur parents dislike it then tell them that everyone now a days wants it to be attractive.And it also helps anyone to get confidence and grow personality.

  4. I started wearing makeup the summer before my freshman year of high school. I asked my mom first if i could wear mascara, then a month or two later i ask if i could wear eyeshadow, then eyeliner, and progressed from there.

    Try asking to wear one product at a time. It worked for me.

  5. well i asked if i could wear mascara

    then my mom said yeah

    then a while past and i asked her if i could wear powder she said sure

    then time passed i asked her if i could wear eyeshadow she said sure(this was when i was 14)

    then now that i'm 15 i asked if i could wear eyeliner she said yeah

  6. the best way to do it is to just start wearing it a little bit at a time and then they won't notice it so easily.

    or you could just tell them.

  7. Well just one day when your at like the store or something and your by makeup just look at it and ask your mom. Hey can I start wearing makeup? If she does say no and your allowed to kind of talk back use the whole but almost everyone wears it. And then be like I'll pay for it on my own or something of that sort. Good luck with this.

    Hey look at our icons we look close to the same.

  8. justput some on,,like a little bit and then just be like mom can u tell that i have makeup on.........and if they say like so can i please wear makeup....i won't wear it more than this much please. and then gradually *** more.

  9. exactly like you just told everyone on yahoo.

  10. Tell them your growing up. You want to get peoples attention. And you need some d**n makeup! Tell 'em straight up.

  11. just be like i don't want to be a new person but i think i should start wearing makeup. It would give me more confidence and i wouldn't want to change the way I look just enhance it.

  12. pick like a brand and simmilar color to one your mom wears, and be like, "this is so pretty mom, can i get it?" while your in a store. she cant say no! =) good lucks!

  13. well........just wear it lightly one day and see if they notice??

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