
How can i tell the gender of my goldfish??

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my goldfish is only about 4 months old and i was wondering if there is anyone that can help me tell the gender of it. help to figure out its gender would be really appreciated




  1. females are slightly bigger than males. And also they may be a bit young to tell but, just watch them for a while and see who is chasing who, the male is the chaser and the chased and  tired out one is the female. it is a natural tendencey on part of the male goldfish to chase and nudge at the female's rear part.


    this tells you how to figure out the s*x of a goldie


  3. Breeding age for goldfish is about 2 years old.  Around that time, or if the male is ready to spawn, they'll develop white tuercles around their gill plate/head area.  It looks like ich on the fish, but ich generally starts on the fins/tails so that's how you can distinguish between the two.  Females will look rounder, especially in the belly area, and males tend to be more "thin" and streamlined.  That's the only way to tell between the two.  

  4. If you mesure the size between its eyeballs and compare it to the distance between the fins.

    If the size between the eyeballs is greater it is a male.

    Also if it is attracted to the color red it is most likely a male because of the dominant color.


  5. Slap a picture of the mermaid from Splash on the tank and see if it is aroused.

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