
How can i test my toddlers' iq?

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How can i test my toddlers' iq?




  1. why would you want to do that? its an toddler for crying out loud. Let the child grow up then run all these tests on the child.

  2. Children's brains at that age aren't even completely developed yet. Most children that age don't have the attention span and/or motivation to care about a test.

  3. You can't, only a qualified professional could give you a semi-accurate score and even then IQ is pretty fluid the first few years. Meaning even a qualified examiner might get a different score in a few years time.

  4. Don't worry about IQ. Just be happy he is normal. Did you know autism is one out of 150 now?

  5. It is a toddler, a baby, why would you want to do that?

    Children at that age change all the time; each child learns at a different rate, and not all children learn the same thing at the same age; that is a MYTH....

    As a parent, we love, and accept the child as is; encourage him/her but not compare them to anyone else; not even their siblings; each is an individual special and unique.

  6. toddlers intelligence is developing all the time

    what would be the point

    and because they cant fully understand or participate in a test theres no way you can tell

  7. Don't worry about numbers or labels.  Check this web site:        

    It gives a lot of information about developmental markers.  If you're concerned that your child is not on track, talk with your child's doctor.  If your child is on track or ahead, don't worry about it.  Children develop at their own pace.  Just give your child lots of experiences, read to her/him a lot, play with her/him, listen to lots of music, sing, and dance together, and let it come naturally.

  8. you don't! there are at least 7 different intelligence's and it is far from appropriate to test an IQ on a child that is just learning.  please don't push your child will be fine and speak and climb among other things in due time.

  9. You really, really, don't need to.

    If you suspect developmental delays of some kind, talk to a doctor, otherwise just give the child a rich environment, read out loud a lot, and let him or her grow naturally.

  10. You can check into a thing called the Denver test.... However this measures where your child is according to other children in his/her age group.  If you are worried about the development of your child mka ean appointment with a developmental interventionist.  If you call a local disability organization they may be able to refer you.  But I agree that intelligence testing is kinda silly right now.

  11. there is a good way to test a baby's iq which is called the "fencing reflex."  to do this, you simply drop a baby from at least four feet from the ground. when the baby lands, if it is waving its arms as if it were fencing, it is mentally retarded.  make sure you drop the baby on carpet, but beds or other bouncy surfaces will only negate the effect.

  12. Keep an eye on him or her. If she seems like she's not learning as quickly as she should, you'll know.

    Similarly if she's off the charts intelligent, you'd know. She'd be doing things that are just not usually within a two year old's scope.

    Some geniuses don't come into their own for many many years. Einstein couldn't speak until he was five so even regular development at that young of an age doesn't really say too much I don't think.

    I suppose you could always take her to a specialist. But what's the point? Be proactive now and read to her, count with her, play games with her, respect her as a human being and interact with her. That will allow her intelligence to develop to it's full potential.

  13. You should not try to do this.   If you have concerns that your child is not making normal progress you should contact your local public school district.   They evaluate children to determine whether they have a handicap or developmental delay and they also provide services to address the problems identified.     If you think your child is advanced for his/her age you should continue to provide an environment rich in activities and experiences.  

    IQ tests done on toddler's are extremely variable and have a low correlation with adult functioning .   This is partly because toddlers often do not perform tasks on request, even if they are able to do them when they choose to.  

    In general I would recommend that you not have your child's IQ unless it is really necessary.    If it is lower than you expect it may lower your expectations of your child.  If it is higher, you may raise your expectations unreasonably.  You already know your child.   That's more important than an IQ number.

  14. let them play, talk to them, answer their questions, you can use what is called the stepping stones and tick off if you see any of the stepping stones reached which is what happens in a nursery and pre schools but there is no way anyone should want to or need to test a young child's IQ as it changes as they develop and very little point at this age. mostly watch and observe your child and discuss lots of things to do with the world around them, if your child speds time with other children and can play, enjoys spening time with you then this is all that matters, i cannot tell you if your child is meeting the stepping stones that are AVERAGE for your childs age as i do not know your childs age and stage right now. if you search on google for age and stage milestones for your childs age you may be able to have a look and see if your child meets any of them but remember ALL CHILDREN ARE INDIVIDUALS AND DEVELOP AT THEIR OWN SPECTACULAR RATES SO DONT PUSH THEM!!!

  15. You can't get a really accurate score yourself.

    You can take your toddler to a child psychologist, who can do an IQ test, if you think the IQ is average or above.

    If you fear your child is slow or retarded, the local school district is required to check out your child for Special Education, which will include intelligence testing.  That will be free.

    In the observations of me & my colleagues, IQ's are not stable (meaning, the same through adulthood) until a child is about seven years old, usually.

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